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I was taking notes in my journal and then I suddenly feel a poke on my shoulder. I was already annoyed and I sighed trying to ignore whoever it was behind me , continuing to pay attention and finish writing down the lesson.

"Hey, pretty girl." I heard a whisper behind me followed by more poking.

I put my pen down in frustration and turned around.

"Do you have any lead by chance?" He asked smirking.

"Do you have any lead by chance," I mocked and the boy sitting next to him laughed.

"What kind?" I asked grabbing my pencil bag and looking through it.

"I- Uh do you have 0.5?" He asked and his face got red.

I grabbed it and I handed it to him.

"Oh my god you're a life saver thank you, thank you." He said starting to fill up his mechanical pencil.

"By the way my names Kian, and this is my friend Jc." He pointed to the boy next to him.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"I'm Nina," I replied.

"It's nice to meet you Nina, what are you doing after school?" He asked me smiling and leaning forward in his chair like a child.

"Doing homework, something you don't do." I said teasing him.

"I do, occasionally." He huffed and looked almost offended.

"If you did you wouldn't be failing," I smirked at him.

"Damn how are you going to let her do you like that? I can't even defend you." Jc laughed.

"Whatever both of you, but hey tell you what. Meet me at my locker after school let's get something to eat." Kian said.

"How do i know where your locker is?" I asked.

He ripped a small piece of paper from his journal and wrote on it. He then handed it to me and I tried to make out what his little chicken scribble said.

"Locker 68?" I asked.

"Mhmm," he  nodding.

"Alright," i replied.


The bell for dismissal rang. I shot up from my desk and I quickly walked out the classroom to head to my locker. I was so damn excited. Now was my chance to meet her. Sophomore year in high school had just started and I had been keeping an eye on her. She's so smart and attractive I've been trying to get her attention and today I just took my chance since she sat in front of me in our class.

I get to my locker quickly and open it to put away my stuff and grab my board. I shut it and behind the locker revealed Nina standing right in front of me.

"Found you," she said and I had a big smile spread out across my face.

"So you did." I replied fidgeting with my hands.

"Shall we?" She started.

"Wait I only have one board," I said worrying about getting to the restaurant I had in mind.

"It's okay i brought mine too." She motioned to her feet where she kicked up the skate board.

Wow she's even cooler.

I thought and laughed surprised.

"Okay let's go then I'm getting hungry!" I said.

We walked out the school and I showed her the way to my favorite place.


"So Kian, tell me about yourself." I asked him as we cruised down the street on our boards.

He turned around and looked at me before he said anything.

"Well i just like to film videos with my best friend Jc and making vines, occasionally traveling and going places. Grubbing. You know." He replied shrugging his shoulders.

"What about you?" He asked me seriously matching his pace to mine.

"Same as you, I like traveling and taking pictures, I like reading and watching good shows on Netflix from time to time, I also enjoy eating food." I said .

He got off his board and put his hand out to me so I could slow down and grab it.

"Well it sounds like we have some stuff in common, you're going to love this taco place." He said excitedly pulling my arm and I laughed catching up to him.

We get inside and it smells delicious. We look at the menu and decide what we want.

"What are you getting?" He asked me.

"I kind of feel like tacos al pastor, what about you good sir?" I asked still indecisive.

"I think the same," he turned beside me and I met my eyes with him.

I thought how cute. He had been smiling the entire time we've been together and it made my heart melt in a way. I turned away as the server approached us and we placed our order and waited and in less then 10 minutes our food was ready.

"What do you think do you like it?" He asked me.

"This is actually really good I really like it thanks for taking me here," I replied giggling.

"Do you live close by here?" Kian asked me.

"Yeah I do actually, you?" I asked.

"Yes my house is across the street from here, I can walk you home." He stated.

I looked up at him and smiled. Who knew that Kian Lawley was a sweet heart. He had a reputation around the school for being a player and being the asshole but I actually found him very funny and the fact that he's caring? It's kind of making me like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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