Chapter 7: The battle in black woods/battle against The black woods king

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Y/n's POV:
I woke up on a bed with dark gray sheets, black pillows, and a wooden bed frame. I looked around the room and saw a couple of bookshelves that had very few books on it, a log nightstand that had a lantern on it, a window that had black curtains covering it, a closet door, and a stone door that looked like it went to a hallway. I go towards the stone door and struggle to pull it open, as soon as I open it I ended up hearing commotion going on. "What are we going to do with her sir?" A female voice said "I'll have this discussion later with you, just invite her to dinner with me..I have an idea" I heard a man's voice say. I quickly went back in the room I came out of and quietly shut the door, I jumped back on the bed and pretended to still be asleep. I heard the door open and I felt a tap on my shoulder "miss?" A female voice said "I opened my eyes and see her.. the maid from earlier that was flirting with Voltaere. "The king wishes to see you downstairs for dinner" Gretchen says "what's the kings name?" I asked her "his name is king William" she says "okay" I said. I got off the bed and followed Gretchen to the dining room, she had opened the stone doors for me and signaled for me to go inside. I walk inside and see him sitting down at the other end of it, I pulled out the chair and sat down on it and he spoke. "So you must be Y/n" William said "yes, that's did you know?" I asked him "everyone in the village talks about you, even the woods creatures..they all talk about your beauty" he says while reaching for his wine cup and taking a sip "they weren't lying when they said you were breathtaking...even your name is as beautiful as you...Y/n" he says with a smirk appearing "what do you want?" I asked him in a confident voice. He puts down his cup and says in nearly a whisper but loud enough for me to hear "you" I looked at him wide eyed "me?...what do you mean by me?" I asked "I want you..I want to have Voltaeres one and only love to be mine so that I could see his heart be shattered... because internal pain is much more damaging than external pain" he said "and what if I don't want to be yours?" I asked "well then, I would have to send my whole entire army to his village, have every single one of my soldiers kill every single creature in that village and have you chained in a cellar" he said. I looked at him in fear, not at the thought of being chained in a cellar but having the thought of his soldiers killing poor innocent creatures. "Fine..I'll be..yours.." i said with my voice cracking ", we shall feast" he said with an evil smile and eating his food, I began slowly eating my food waiting and hoping Voltaere would come and rescue me soon.

William's POV:
"Fine..I'll be..yours.." she said with a cracking voice ", we shall feast" I said and began eating my food. I would look over to Y/n every now and then and notice her sadly eating her food. If only she knew how much Voltaere had put me through hell growing up with him. He always had the praises, the friends, the perfect parents, the perfect family and now my blood boils of just seeing him have the most perfect looking girl such as Y/n. He always had life easy for him when I had to work hard for mine, I want to get my revenge for him killing my parents, so now I have captured his one and only love Y/n and I will soon kill her in front of him when it's time...and I will make sure to do it in a heartbreaking and brutal way..I just have to make sure I don't fall in with this one too.

Voltaere's POV:
I sat in my chair in my study and thought of ways to talk to William without it leading to a fight. Soon I heard Ally come in "Mr.Phantom, the army is ready" "okay, thank you Ally" I said "your welcome sir" ally said and left my study. I went down the hall and opened a well hidden door and opened it, I went inside and grabbed a long black wooden box from a top shelf and opened it. Inside was my fathers sword, it was silver and had ruby red diamonds going along the sword and the handle, it was clean and polished just like how I last left it, I grabbed the sword and the scabbard. I grabbed the scabbard tied it around my waist and put the sword in, I headed out of my palace and saw my army waiting in front of my steps and saw Ally in front of them with a black horse that had silver armor on it. "This is the best horse the whole village owns" she said "good, did you get the key for the beasts chambers?" I asked "yes sir" she said "Splendid, if I don't return within 43 hours send this village into lockdown. Who knows if he sent an army down after he kills me" I said "of course sir" Ally said "also..where's Brandon?" As soon as I asked that I saw Brandon come running towards us "I got the emeralds" he says out of breath "take them to the village witch and tell her I sent you, she'll know what to do" I said, they both nod "please be careful Mr.Phantom" Ally said "I will" I said and with that I sent a signal to the army and they began marching.

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