Valerie smiled and walked away from them.

"Where's Kol?" Alaric asked, moving away from the girl.

"He stepped away for a moment. He was right behind me..." she replied looking down at the spell looking at all the herbs.

"Well I'll leave you to this..." Alaric sighed and walked away.

He didn't want to lecture her again about her not doing anything dumb to put herself in danger he could tell she understood but she was also unpredictable which is why he couldn't completely trust that she wouldn't step in last minute.

Valeria just set some stuff up and began to do the spell while Kol was approaching her silently not wanting to interrupt her.

He inspected the spell then waited for her to finish.

"What's this?" He asked Valeria.

"You know Hope's necklace, well bracelet now the spell put into them to keep her from doing magic I can alter it to be in some of these herbs to stop the magic from manifesting so it will buy us time to find a way to fix it" she explained mixing the herbs around.

"Gorgeous, brilliant and powerful..." Kol wrapped his arms around her. "Remind me to never piss you off"

"You have many times but every time you do something like die to get me to forgive you" Valeria chuckled, still mixing the herbs with water now.

"You know me I love the dramatics and it just goes to show that I simply am better off dead if I'm not with you" he added making her scoff.

"Yeah whatever. Where did you go?" She asked, now done with her mixture.

"Checking up on someone but they're fine for now I think..." Kol paused then looked over to see Elijah walking in making Valeria turn to see them as well. "Actually I think I have to go back..."

Valeria gave him a weird look watching as he walked away and then turned to see Elijah again with Hope.

"Hope I made this for you it will make you feel better" Valeria put out the jar containing the water mixed with the herbs. "Not the best taste but..."

"Could be worse" she shrugged then grabbed the jar trying to chug it down but she took a sip and had to stop making a face.

"I know I'm sorry..." Valeria gave her an apologetic look. "I didn't think you guys will be back this fast"

"Well my dad is stuck on finding a way to take the magic out of me" Hope said and Valeria looked at Elijah giving him a questioning look.

"Hope perhaps you might want to go see your friends..."

"I know I'm dying Elijah no need to sugar coat it" Hope stopped him.

Valerias and Elijah's expression exchanged hearing that the girl knew about her condition.

"How did you...."

"Creepy veins all over my body, all the witches we know looking for something to save me and it hurts you know so just tell me how long I have and stop kooky for a Hail Mary" Hope replied to them.

"Hope we can fix you. There's always a way those herbs are just buying me more time and will help you get through your first full moon but we will all continue to find something" Valeria reassured the girl but she didn't seem convinced.

Valeria didn't even bother to say another word; she knew what Hope was feeling; she knew that she had been there once before sacrificing herself and just wanted to be let go.

Valeria understood. What she didn't understand was why she would let herself go but not Hope.

"We were going to the mystic grill as many like to call it would you like to accompany us Valeria?" Elijah changed the topic not wanting to talk about that.

[3] 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤- Kol M.Where stories live. Discover now