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Eddie Munson sits down next to me.

He grabs my hand, yanking it and my whole body closer. I can feel strands of his hair stroke against my arm, making my skin prickle.

"I see! You've painted them black... much more classy. Guess that's thanks to me again. Come on, Y/N - you can do better than copying my style." He sticks out his hand next to mine, displaying his own shiny black nails. I can just see one of his tattoos peering out from underneath his sleeve.

"I'm not trying to copy you and I never have been." I say through my teeth, twisting my wrist out of his grip, "why would I? No one wants to be a guy that plays with the the devil down in their musty old basement." It's risky saying that with Eddie being right next to me. It's not like I've never said stuff like this before - everyone does. And normally, Eddie doesn't take any notice, but every once in a while it'll piss him off and he'll freak.
I just pray I don't get him on any of his bad days.

Eddie's face breaks out in a toothy grin, "What's so bad about that, lil man?" I deflate in relief, but I don't relax. I still need to get Eddie away. It's something I haven't been able to do in the week that Eddie's been sitting next to me on the bus. I can't figure out why he does it... we don't hang out, we only have a few classes together and I definitely don't want to get mixed up in his sick twisted DND. There are so many empty seats, so many other people to sit with, yet he chooses me. Maybe he just wants my school status to plummet right into the social graveyard, although I really don't need his help with that one.

I mutter to myself, not giving Eddie a reply. I've already exchanged far too many words with him this year.

"You look like a music fan." Eddie flicks at the Walkman slung loosely at my hip. I blink, which seems to be enough of an answer for him.

"y'know, me and the boys do small gigs down with the local drunks, if you're interested. Corroded Coffin" I give him an incredulous look, to which Eddie only raises his eyebrows. Why he thinks I would want to see him play some mediocre Black Sabbath rip-off is beyond me.

"No thanks. I'd rather listen to nails on a chalk board than whatever you and your friends do." I press myself as far away from Eddie as possible. He shuffles closer. He seems to get some miserable joy from seeing me suffer.

Maybe DND really does mess with the minds of those who play it. Because the Eddie Munson I used to know was not who he is now...

Eddie Munson and I used to be friends, back in elementary. Back when he wasn't a druggie leading a cult - well, I don't know for a fact that he uses drugs, but there are rumors. We were inseparable, for a while, but I guess we drifted apart when we got to high-school. He changed. I hadn't been in contact with Eddie for years, only speaking to him again when he was assigned to the seat next to mine in art class. Even if Eddie was one of the best friends I've ever had, I don't think I want to rekindle that friendship.

So now, with an array of cheap, watery paints in front of us, Eddie and I sit so close our shoulders are almost touching. He moved his chair right next to mine, trapping me against the wall, no means to get away from him and his stupid long hair that always ends up in my paint.

It's infuriating.

I manage get through the whole lesson without looking at him, but I can tell Eddie's been trying to make eye contact with me. I stubbornly ignored him. I thought giving him the cold shoulder would keep him at bay, but when the bell rings and I get out of my chair, Eddie doesn't move.

"What is your problem, Eddie?" My voice is surprisingly loud with the absence of other voices in the room. "Can't you see I'm avoiding you?"

"I'm not blind, but that doesn't mean I'll stop." Eddie slides his tongue over his canines, lazily laying his hand onto my shoulder. I flinch. His fingers caress my shirt, the tips of them digging ever so slightly into my skin. I grit my teeth, an uncomfortable blush breathing down the back of my neck.

"You do realize we aren't friends anymore. That ended years ago - We. Aren't. Friends."

"You really think I've been hanging around you because I'm desperate? God, no. I was just wondering if you were interested in what I have to offer."

So the rumors are true. My muscles tense, but Eddie's shit-eating grin doesn't falter.
"You're not that hard to read, my dear Y/N. And you're no good at covering your tracks, either. I saw you at Valerie's the other night - you know, the local drug dealer?"

A cold sweat settles into my skin. Was I not careful enough? Panic throbs in my lungs as Eddie inches closer, his breath kissing gently at my cheeks.

"As a friend, I was wondering if you'd like to buy some off me." Eddie shrugs as if it's no big deal, "Valerie's a scam, anyways."

The room fizzles, electric tension sparking off of me and Eddie. Finally, I look the guy in the eyes. Deep brown orbs peer back at me.

I nod.

Eddie isn't the only one who's changed since elementary.


First chapter! Pretty short but I hope y'all like it!

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