Episode 5: Days...and days.....until...?

Start from the beginning

A total of 8 Class A students have been eliminated from the game. Leaving their class with 32 students remaining, and for the past games, Class C has been targeting Class A for some unknown reason while Class B remained neutral and voted students from different classes each day. As for my own class, we're currently operating like headless chickens, we couldn't seem to agree on anything except to vote for nobody.

I sighed. They could've at least voted anyone random from the opposing classes. That way, it could narrow things down me for just a bit and make everything easier to accomplish.

Why am I lumped in with such a defective class....

I gripped my pen tightly as I thought that.

" Stay calm....." I told myself as I began taking deep breaths.

 It's no use getting frustrated by their actions, still it's a rare occurrence for me to feel that type of emotion towards anything or anyone....

Perhaps it's my ' eagerness' speaking towards that special reward that the director began taunting me with. I want to see if she could truly grant one of my rare desires, a desire I've sought, a temporary desire in which I'm living currently. I wonder if she can turn ' temporary' to ' permanent'.

I'll discover what it is, once I win this game. I will do whatever it takes in pursuing victory, hopefully just this once.

" I better get going." I said aloud as I checked the time on my clock.

COTE: Last Elite StandingWhere stories live. Discover now