Her Secret Life

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It all started two years ago. Back then if you would have known me you would have called me a slut, bitch, or any of those names. Every guy wanted me, every girl envied me. I got what ever I wanted when I wanted it. You would have been lucky if you got a smile from me. But that's not who I am now.

If you are wonder who I am, I'm Tay Adel. I'm the quiet girl in the back of the class room with a hoodie and jeans on all of the time. I have no friends and I always sit alone I'm the girl no one knows the name of.

Chapter 1

Sunday morning I wake up to my little girl crying in her crib. I walk over to her and pick her up, she stops crying as soon as she's in my arms. "My little angle your getting so big," I tell her. She is a year and seven months old now.

Flash back two years ago....

I stared at the little positive sign on the pregnancy test feeling my whole world fall apart. I'm only 16 and i don't know who the father is I thought to myself. The next week I went to a check up to see if I could get an abortion. that's when they told me I was already to far along I was five months pregnant. A couple hours later, "Mom you home?" I asked as I walked in to the front door.

"Yeah," came my moms voice, "in the kitchen."

"Good I have something to tell you."

"Ok what is it baby girl,"

"Mom I think you should sit down,"

"Ok Tay," she says as she takes a seat at the dining table," what is it?"

"Mom I'm five months pregnant."

"Ha ha very funny tell me the truth what do you want?"

"No mom I'm telling the truth, the doctor told me that its not weird that I'm not showing it happens all the time." The next thing I know I'm getting kicked out of my house the last thing my mother gave me was one thousand dollars to get out of he life.

Four months later I had my own place and two jobs getting by fine had a beautiful healthy baby girl name Disarray Jane Adel.

....Flash back over....

As I came back to reality my baby was asleep in my arms as I rocked back and forth. I walked out of our room to the kitchen to get something to eat. We lived in a one bedroom apartment in Seattle, far away from my mother. After she disowned me I left Maine to go all the way across the United States to a place no one new me. I haven't heard from her sense that day two years ago.

The day went by fast as Disarray and I played inside it was my day off from work and tomorrow I went to school. At eight a clock that night I went and dropped Disarray off at her omam's apartment. Her omam is the lady I live above she is forty-three and her children are married and away from home she has been helping me sense I moved here. She takes Disarray when I'm at school and work.

I knock on Shirley's, omam, door and wait for her to answer. Three seconds later she opens it and says," Your thirty minutes late where have you been and look at that poor girl she is so tired and wants to see her omam."

"I'm sorry we were just to busy having mother daughter time I forgot the time, its not every day that I get to spend so much time with her."

"I know but still next time call," she says with a smile on her face," anyway I made dinner. Are you staying or going?"

"I'll stay and hang out with you for a couple hours but that's all."

The next day I woke up to the sun shining throw my window I roll over in the nice warm nice of my bed that the sun was on thinking that today was great tell I remembered it was a Monday. I looked over at my alarm clock and it read 9:30. "Shit I'm late," I yelled as I jumped out of bed flying to my dresser. I through on a pair of ragged old jeans and a chemical romance hoodie with a tang top on underneath. I grab my keys and backpack and run out the door. I jump in my car and try to start It, but it doesn't start. God dam it now I have to walk.

Thirty minutes later I walk into the school and head for my looker to get my stuff for fourth period. "O GOD YES", yelled a voice down the hall from my looker. I looked up to see who was in the hall, but no one was their so I figured it was nothing, so I kept getting my books out for class thinking to myself.

Uggg this is the worst day ever my alarm didn't go off and then my car wouldn't start, I should really take it in for a check up soon. Is that possible to have a check up for a car, its like saying I'm taking my car to the doctor. As my train of thought kept going I was walking to class when the door to the janitor closet opened up knocking me down.

Then out came the two most popular people in school, Drew Stevens the player and Vicky Creed the cheerleader. I couldn't believe it because everyone knew that Vicky was dating the star quarter back Nick Nelson, so why was she in the closet with Drew.

"Drew babe I'll see you tonight, don't forget Nick leaves my house at 11 so you can come over any time after that ," said Vicky. Oh so that's what they were doing. Maybe that door hit me to hard but the next thing I know I'm waking up in the nurses office.

"Finally your awake," says nurse Ashley.

"Umm yeah, why am I in here," I ask?

"Drew brought you in saying you ran into his looker," said Ashley," you do remember that right?"

Oh god I thought they saw me now they know I know their secret affair, "Yeah I remember."

"Good I thought there for a second you had a concussion."

"Nope its all good can I go to class now?.... What period is it anyway?"

"Yes you can and its only fifth you still have three more classed."

"Ok thanks."

An hour later I was sitting in sixth period the teacher just wouldn't shut up. What was I going to do they saw me, they knew I knew. No maybe they thought I just ran into the door and passed out, yeah that's what they thought. I hope. My thoughts ran back to what the teacher was saying but I still had no clue what he was talking about cause I suck at history.

The rest of the day just dragged on and on finally it was the last period of the day, as I left to go to math I had a feeling that I was going to regret this day all together. Just before I got to the class room I remembered that I had this class with Drew.

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