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They were all standing in the middle of l'manburg in front of the hotdog van, they had just won the war for independence

This doesn't feel right. Why? Tommy asked himself

"SUCK IT GREEN BOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYY" Wilbur screamed. Everyone laughed, Tommy as well, but something still didn't feel right but what?

He pondered on that question for a while

"Hey Tommy!" Tubbo yelled cheerfully, Tommy turned to look at him, he was running towards him with a huge smile on his face.

He blinked.

Now he was on the giant wall of obsidian that Dream built at least he was pretty sure Dream built it he couldn't remember why tho.

What? I was just with Tubbo we just won the war for independence, why am i here and why does it feel so familiar

"Tommy," a very familiar voice said but unlike a few seconds ago it was said almost monotone-like, He turned to see who spoke. It was Tubbo.

"TUBBO! My man!" Tommy said with what he thought was confidence

"Tommy, you're a selfish brat. You are hereby exiled from L'manburge. Dream please escorte Tommy....." He was overwhelmed with sadness and shock, he didn't do anything wrong, at least that's what he thinks. He can't really remember much right now.

When he looked again, he was on the island of his exile his tent was there, wet from the rain, but still standing.

I- what? Why don't I understand what's going on! Tommy was beginning to panic. He didn't know what was going on, so much was wrong but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong. I- I smell smoke.

He turned.

Logstedshire was on fire.

He couldn't process what was going on so he just stared at it instead. The fire ate everything up. Almost like it was never there in the first place.

"Tommy" It was Dream "your a useless person all you do is destroy what's around you because you only care about yourself" Tommy inclined his head towards the ground

"I know Dream" He went to look at Dream but he was now faced with Wilbur.

In his trench coat.

They were inside the cave.

"Tommy, when I said you weren't going to be president, it wasn't a challenge, it was the truth. You're such a useless person you only get in everyone's way." He just stood there processing what Wilbur said, beginning to hate his very own existence

"I bet Tubbo doesn't even like you. I bet Tubbo hates you, that he doesn't want to be your friend anymore" He looked away from Wilbur down at the floor when he looked up again Techno was in front of him

"Tommy what are you doing living in my floor boards like a racoon" He said sternly

"Well-Well its my house now" Tommy answered his voice wavering

"Tommy get out"


"No Tommy all you do is mooch off of people, get out of my house"

"I don't have any materials to build myself a house"

" Oh my god Tommy, stop being so useless and selfish and build yourself a house im not helping you"

"Okay" he mumbled shamefully, he extracted himself from the hole and once the door slammed shut behind him, an inky blackness started falling from nowhere devouring everything until there was nothing left.

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