The downfall of L'manburg

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< Tommy? > < yeah what is it dad > < why did you show them your wings > < well being honest i dont really know i just really wanted to show them and before i knew it my wings were out and it was to late they had already seen them > < ok then it is your decision weather or not you show them your wings > Phil concluded < Anyways, dad Tommy we should start making a plan for the downfall of l'manburg > < yeah good idea so who wants to be in charge of what? > Phil asked < Well i wouldn't mind getting Technos dogs with him > Tommy said < ok, Tommy and Techno you get the dogs and make as many withers as you can, i will start making TNT dispensers when we get there, questions? < yeah how are you going to make TNT dispensers the moment people see you they will shoot with no mercy > Tommy said < Yeah the child has a point, and i almost never agree with the child > Techno said, Tommy just looked like he was going to murder Techno right there and then for calling him a child < well you see you guys will distract them long enough for me to make the dispensers, all clear now? > Phil said in a very hurried tone < yeah everything clear but like why are you hurrying us? > Techno asked < cuz we need to make potions we need to start prepping i know its tomorrow but like the sooner we get started the more potions and weapons we have > Phil said < fair point lets get started > Techno said < yes Tech you enchant and make things that will be useful in big quantity > < yes dad > Techno said < and tommy you repair items i will make potions > < you got > Tommy said as he started to head down to start repairing items and weapons

~~~~~~~~~~ a few hours later ~~~~~~~~~~

< Technooooooo > Tommy yelled < what now, i'm trying to enchant your armor > Techno said irritation in his voice < some of your weapons dont have mending so i cant fix it > < ugggg fine give it i'll put mending on it > < here > Tommy said trowing a sword to Techno < there done now stop annoying me > < i'm not annoying you i'm just getting your attention so i can mend the thing i need to mend > < yes you are being annoying > < HOW > < BY DRAGGING THE "O" IN MY NAME > < WELL HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO GET YOUR ATTENTION BITCH > < DID YOU JUST CALL ME A BITCH > < AND WHAT IF I DID DICKHEAD > < OH NOW YOUR JUST LOOKING FOR DEATH > < BOYS WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS > < sorry dad > Techno said < yeah sorry dad > Tommy muttered < how about we go to bed it is late > Phil suggested < yeah that sounds like a good idea > Tommy said while stifling a yawn < yeah we do need the energy tomorrow > Techno said < ok well goodnight boys > < goodnight dadza > they both said " tomorrow's gonna be a hell of a day " Phil thought to himself before he headed to bed

~~~~~~~~~~ morning ~~~~~~~~~~

< BOYS GET UP > Phil yelled from downstairs when Phil did not hear the shuffling of foot steps he went upstairs to wake up his kids himself < Techno, Tommy it's time to get up > Phil said < dad its to early to get up > Techno said going back to sleep < dont you dare go back to sleep > Phil warned but Techno ignored him and was quickly asleep < fine i'll wake Tommy first than you, Tommy get up we have to get ready to get your disc back > Tommy simply turned his back and ignored Phil < TECHNOBLADE INC AND TOMMYINNIT INC YOU WILL GET UP RIGHT NOW OR I WILL DRAG YOU OUT OF BED BY THE EAR > The moment Phil said that both jumped out of bed < good now please get dress i will meet you downstairs for breakfast > Phil said like if nothing happend. Tommy and Techno got ready in record time because they had a quit the day ahead of them. when Tommy entered the kitchen, soon followed by Techno, yes he smelled breakfast but also potion brewing? < already brewing potions > Tommy asked while starting his breakfast < well yeah i mean we are gonna need a shit tonne of potions > phil said while finishing his breakfast < anyways > he continued < when the both of you are done i would like you both to got get the soul sand and wither heads, once thats done you continue where you left of yesterday got it? > Phil asked as he was prepping the ingredients for the next potion < yep got it > Techno said sheepishly < ok dad > Tommy said putting on his outdoor clothes < c'mon Techno your so slow > said once he was done < slow you say i dont think you know that your calling the blood god or also know as the PvP god slow > Techno said getting ready to go outside < yeah i did know that for information Techno > < *sigh* whatever it's to early for me to be able to deal with your bullshit let's go > Tommy tried to look offended but failed, miserably. < Why do you look like you just ate shit > Techno asked as they approached the secret room filled with wither skulls and soul sand < i'm try'n look offended by what you said earlier > < what you mean when i basically said you full of shit > < YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW > < cant take back what is already said but whatever we have arrived > < yeah no shit its like less than an 15 second walk > Tommy commented as Techno threw him a couple shulker boxs to fill with souls sand and skulls < will you stop acting like a genius and just fill the boxs > Techno demanded more than asked < fine whatever > a couple hours later they are getting ready to go to l'manburg < why do we have to leave like 90 min sooner > Tommy asked as Phil cut holes in Tommy's armor so his wings could come out < because they think we will be there on time but nah if we get there before planned they will be thrown of guard > Techno said with a grin on his face < Oki Tommy the holes are cut can you put your wings through the holes > Phil asked Tommy complied and Phil was soon ruffling Tommy feathers so they were strait < well now that thats done we should get going so we have enough time to get Technos dogs and set up TNT dispensers > Phil said < Alright then lets go visit l'manburg > Tommy said as they all left the house with murder writing all over there face's

~~~~~~~~~~ at l'manburg ~~~~~~~~~

< Ok go get the dogs, i'll start setting up the dispensers > Phil said as he walked away drinking an invisibility potion < yeah lets go tommy we dont have all day > < actually I was thinking I could start placing soul sand around the place but put on the heads once your ready > < that's not to shabby of an idea sur do that just don't go to far and if you need help you know what to say > < yep > just as Tommy was about to start placing the sand Techno said < You should probably keep your wings hidden only take them out if you need to also stay safe me and Phil don't know what we would do without you > < heh yeah I'll do those Tech no worries > And Tommy left to start placing the sand. A little bit later. < okay are we ready Tommy > Techno asked as they were planning on giving a speech and then spanning all the withers < yep were ready I can see them already coming out > < ok here goes nothing > Techno said < PEOPLE OF L'MANBURG MOST OF YOU ALREADY KNOW THE REASON WE ARE HERE IF YOU DONT WELL YOU WILL SOON KNOW > Techno yelled so that they can hear them < WHY ARE TOU DOING THIS > they heard Quackity yell < WHY WHY WHAT A FUNNY QUESTION, WE ARE BLOWING UP L'MANBURG BECAUSE IT IS THE REASON TO ALL THESE WARS GETTING RID OF L'MANBURG WILL STOP THE WAR BUT NOT JUST THAT ALOT OF YOU ARE ATTACHED TO THIS PLACE AND ALOT OF YOU DESTROYED THE THINGS I LOVED THE THINGS MY FAMILY LOVED SO WE ARE GOING TO GIVE A DOSE YOUR OWN MEDICINE > Tommy yelled, soon after thought he heard voices; blood, blood, take the life of those who hurt you, kill those who hurt them, blood of the ones that tried to kill your family, kill the people who hurt you and the people you care about, blood... Tommy was snapped out of it  by Technos voice, although he can still here the voices its just backround  npise to Tommy < Tommy you ready > < Hell yeah lets do it Tech > and then they spawned all the withers they could witch is like 36 withers < Tommy it's time > < wait i need to get something that belongs to me > < your disc? > < yeah, i'll call you if i need backup just try to keep the withers alive > < yep > Tommy walked up to Dream < Dream > < what do you want Tommy > Dream asked < Give me my disc > < and why should i? > < Well i mean look at what you made me do, do you want it to happen again but on stuff you care about that is not my discs? > < HA i already told you, Tommy, i dont care about anything but your discs > < really so you wouldn't mind if i blew up Gogy's house if i blew up your house oh no wait you dont have a house > Tommy mocked < Tommy you have pulled the last string > Dream said as he pulled out an  enderchest and grab his disc and a flint and steel? Do it, Kill him, Kill Dream, Kill the person who hurt you, blood, cover your sword with the blood of Dream. Tommy was about to pull out his sword and was going to kill him, but in that moment Dream burned Tommy's disc. Tommy eyes widened and Dream just laughed like the maniac he is < Thats what you get Tommy for threatening me, your friend the only one who cared about you > that pushed Tommy to far he puled out his sword and started swinging his sword but not randomly like Tommy normally would he was swinging his sword like Techno does when the voices got really loud aka like Techno does when his bloodlust is activated witch confused the fuck out of Tommy cause only Techno had bloodlust right... right? Tommys communicator buzzed when he checked it he read

Dream was killed by Tommyinnit

(A/N) ye gonna end it here its already really fucking late all you gotta know is that l'manburg was blown up next chapter will be what happens after the battle i had idea's for this chapter but like i also wanna get this chapter out so whatever next chapter might be just a little bit smaller but there is still some very very interesting things this book will have also thank you for the 100 reads bye~

- 760 words

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