The discs

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If we get no revolution we want nothing we would rather die than give into you and join your smp... White flag outside your by morning or you are DEAD.... Exile Tommyinnit and Wilbur Soot.... you know if you kill me this country goes down with me..... Dream please detain and escort Tommy out of my country..... Drop your things in the hole tommy..... no please dream anything  but the wings please... You broke my trust for the last time Tommy you need to be punished.....
Tommy woke up sweating  and beside him was, Techno? < Techno what are you doing here? > < well i heard crying and when i got here you were crying and saying something about your wings > < oh... that it was just another nightmare of well... > < you dont have to tell me i know what happend if we didn't  arrive at the moment we did, you would not be able to fly anymore > < yeah thanks for that by the way > < no probleme little bro > Tommy smiled at the thought that he would always be able to count on his family. < anyways you should get back to sleep we have a hell of day to take care of > < yeah... actually Techno i hope you dont mind me asking but do you think i could... > < you could what? > < i could sleep with you? > Tommy asked while going red of embarrassment while Technoblade just smiled at his little brother < sure, i dont mind > < really > tommy asked amazed < yeah > he said. In under 10 minutes they were both asleep while Phil smiled at how cute a caring his sons are ( he was listening to the entire conversation ) < well i know i did something right > he muttered to himself.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
< Morning Toms >  < morning dad, where's Techno? > < WHO SUMMAND ME > < AAAAAAAAH > < oh morning Tommy > < Jesus fucking christ you scared the shit out of me Techno > < well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed > Techno said sarcastically < wHaT dO yOu MeAn tHeRe Is OnLy OnE SiDe Of tHe BeD i CaN wAkE uP oN > < jeez you do know what a joke is right, child? > Shortly afterwards Tommy preceded to yell at Techno that he is not a child and Phil was just watching and laughing as the argument went on  '' these children are going to be the end of me ''  he thought  < oh shit the breakfast is burning , BOYS stop arguing and breakfast is ready > < whatever > Techno said < whats for breakfast > tommy asked < eggs, toast and sausages > < umm sounds good > Tommy said. while they were eating Ghostbur arrived... < Hey guys > Ghostbur exclaimed < oh hello Ghostbur what brings you here? > phil asked < i have a message for Tommy > he said < K, what is it? > Tommy asked < well Tubbo said he wants to see you in an hour to give you your disc and talk about things > the ghost said cheerfully < ok thanks Ghostbur bye Ghostbur > < bye~ > < Well boys you should eat up quickly, and Tech i want you to go with Tommy just in case something happens > < i was planning on it anyways dont want him to risk getting hurt > techno said  < thank you guys > Tommy said < for what? > Phil asked < for everything you'v done for me taking me in, caring for me... > < no need to thank us that what family does, they help each other out, especially in times of need > Techno said < Well anyways you should get going dont want to be  late now do we > Phil said < Dad it's not like were going to school or anything it doesn't matter if were 5 minutes late > Techno said < yeah dad stop treating us like children dad > Tommy said < well the both of you are my children, but seriously get going > < yeah yeah whatever see ya later dad > Tommy said < yup see ya soon > Techno added
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the bench ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As expected Tubbo can with back up; Quackity and Fundy and Tommy came with just Techno while phil was watching from above to make sure his sons dont get hurt " nobody knows i am here beside Techno and Tommy lets keep it that way  " Phil thought < Hello Tubbo > < hi Tommy, i... > Tubbo was cut of by Tommy < Tut tut tut i am only here to retrieve what is mine i do not care for what you have to say > < But Tommy this isn't you > Fundy quickly said. Tommy glared at Fundy < you dont know what the real me is, so dont butt in on someones conversation Tubbo just brought you here for back up am i wrong? > < no you are not wrong, but... > < then stay out of mine and the presidents conversation > < Tommy what has gotten over you you wouldn't do this > < Quackity shut it your just some stupid drug dealer anyways > Both Quackity and Fundy were hurt by what Tommy had said to them < Tommy please listen to me you dont need to do this just come back with me... > < SO WHAT, SO YOU CAN JUST USE ME UNTIL I'M USELESS, SO YOU CAN BREAK ME AGAIN WELL GUESSE WHAT THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN > < I came here for one thing and one thing only, Tubbo you will give my disc or i will not hesitate to take your last canon life > Tubbo's eyes widened but he did not give Tommy his disc instead he said something that the response will hurt him more than what Tommy said at the, now, blown up community house < but Tommy you would never take my last life > < and why not Tubbo why not? > < because your my friend > Tommy started  laughing < friend... friend > he said between giggles < Tubbo from the moment you exiled me i have had trouble calling you my friend, but a week or so into my exile i realized you are never going to visit that you never cared about me, i was just the object that lead you to power cuz the moment you became president you stoped caring about me ever sense that moment i stop considering you as my friend, ever sense that moment you became my enemie > Everyones eyes widened at what Tommy said everyone beside Techno and Phil < Now Tubbo if you dont mind i would like to have my disc back so i can take my leave > < Tubbo will never give you your disc after...> Quackity started < No Quackity please be quite > Tubbo then gave tommy his disc. the moment tommy had his disc in hand he put it in an ender chest as to never lose it again < Phil you can come down now > Techno said soon after words Phil landed beside techno and tommy < Tommy please listen... > Tubbo started but was cut off by Phil < i dont think Tommy will listen to you after what you did to him now boys before we go i think its only fair that we tell them > < tell us what Grandpa? > Fundy asked < Dont call me grandpa you are not apart of this family and will be and just because we are related by blood does not mean i consider you my grandson you abandoned your "dad" you put me under house arrest you tried to execute your "uncle" and you and your stupid president exiled your "uncle" from the entire SMP, you  have more than proven you are not apart of this family > < now now dad calm down save that anger for tomorrow > Techno said < Tomorrow? what's happening tomorrow > Tubbo asked < Tommy would you like to tell them > Phil asked < Sure dadza, Tommorow at 5:00 pm L'manburg is going down > Tommy said with a smirk < now if you will excuse us we will be going home now > Phil said, they did not wait for Tubbo or Quackity or Fundy's answer, Techno quickly pearled away while both Tommy and Phil pulled out there wings and flew away, but not after Tommy got a look at the others faces when they saw that Tommy had wings cause nobody aside for Dream, Techno, Ghostbur and Phil knew about his wings now they all do because on the SMP word gets around quickly.

(A/N) thank you for reading this chapter it means alot to me and like damn 500 words i have not written 500 words for the fun of it anyways bye~
- 550 words

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