Detrimental disilusion (Shalnark)

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n. an undesirable or harmful person or thing, tending to cause harm.

- Obsessive behaviour / love
! Yandere reader

Please tell me I've done a good job 🥺

•~ A smile cures the wounding of a frown~•

You were given a face but you put on another.
Your brightness shone upon me, but little did I know that your rays shone through a veil.

Let me unveil your brightness.

It was a sparkling and harmonious spring day when I met you. We both looked in front of us too late when we arrived too close in front of each other. Sensing each other's strangled nen, we abruptly came to a halt. My eyes shot up from the ground and I tried not to gasp in the few seconds my mind processed who you were.

One thing that struck me when I saw him on the hunter website was how much of an angel he appeared to be. Despite being a serial killer and a thief, he had everything to lure you in. The picture had been taken down by now but I could not have forgotten such a youthful beauty.

I had controlled myself but my eyes betrayed me.
After all, an artist cannot choose to be blind, and a musician cannot force themselves to be deaf.

We stared at each other for a few seconds but I could tell he sensed that I was not simply shocked by the sudden halt.

« Forgive me »
I bowed down to him,
maybe a bit too low for the average stranger,
and hurried away with a blush.
Courtesy did not seem enough, for in that moment he reached out before I could distance myself any further. However, he did not make any move to grab hold of me, probably worried of the few people passing us by. His hand hung peripherally, as if waiting to be held, alerting my reflexes.

He spoke quickly but his words were weighted;

« This could have ended very badly, huh? Sorry about that! Can I have your name?"

Honey and sun mixed together as the criminal talked. His face held a genuinely bright smile and he brush his hand in his blonde hair.

Something friendly yet challenging fluttered in his eyes. The needless yet subtle emphasis put on 'very badly' was enough to let me know that I was being warned.
His eyes shone like obsidian; an empty void- so attractive, reflective and yet they were anything but that.

He was smart...
And I was overjoyed.

Turning to face him fully, I feigned ignorance and smiled brightly at him as I said:
« Futile. I should have watched where I was going. The sun seems to have blinded us both. »

There was a silence

The sun had been behind me. I saw his brow quiver ever so slightly as he processed what I had said, crippling his relaxed expression into a suspicious stare.

"My name is.. err.. y/n"

Ahhh.... What am I doing?
Why must you be so endearing?

Making sure to wrap my words, I continued;

« There's no need to worry. Even if it avoided such encounter, I don't know who would want the sun to stop shining, after all!"
I giggled lowly, an undesired manic sound escaping my throat;
"I hope that it will remain bright and glorious, even in the darkness of the night. »

I had said too much. He seemed surprised but I knew he understood. He was a one of the two strongest brains of the phantom troupe after all.

I still cursed myself for praising the whole of this criminal organization so blatantly. Or was I?

At that time, our eyes met and I could have sworn I had seen a tint of red below his upset eyes.
I walked toward him, not wanting to walk away just yet.

The second I took a step forward, his body tightened, one feet brushing the ground behind him, ready to flee or to fight.

I hushed my incoming words:
« Do tell, what would I gain from telling the world about who you are? The artist should be the one revealing his work. Why should it be the job of the art critics? Oh, how I envy your secrecy.»

My eyes sharpened and my lips quirked upwards as I teased the thief. Truth being, I had certain links with a pink haired fox part of the phantom troupe. I knew a lot more about Shalnark than his picture. The fox had told me about his abilities, his innocence and his intelligence. I had fallen for the idea of the blonde criminal, but now that I was near him, my heart screamed to push it further and ask him to let me tag along.

Is he really a horrible person?
Would you call him so if he was your brother?
Your lover?

A sun said to be a black hole.

I have never killed anyone and yet I am tormenting the one I find interest in- I'm the horrible one. He seems confused and surprised and it makes me so happy.. if only I could... steal him away... keep him. Mine...Forever...

I will be his moon. I am nothing but invisible darkness until he shines upon me. I should be the one killing people...killing for him.

And so, he answered with a playful tone:
« Envy me? Most people would think the opposite!"

His body regained composure and he he walked a single step towards me:
"Hey, I'm sorry but it seems I just can't let you go now that I know that you know me. How about joining me? »

"I'm afraid you don't have
much of choice. "

Shushing his last words, he smiled. If he felt anything, it was hidden by a friendly smile.

A smile described as scary only to those who paid attention to it.

I get it now. A murderer who's charming and intelligent, seemingly unbothered and calm.. he is a sociopath. It is his madness that's attracting.
You and I are the same

Taking in the situation I had once taken for granted, I forced my heart to calm down and giggled nervously, lowering my eyes.
It seemed our roles had been reversed.
I felt my heart bloom anew, saturated with a mysterious emotion.

Excitement? Fear? Joy? Perhaps all of those.

Determined and overwhelmed by my now aching heart, I lifted my head once more to meet his gaze and frowned a smirk:

« Lead the way, stranger.»

(You walked right into my trap and I'm not kind enough to overlook that...
               we'll be together forever Shalnark~♥️)

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