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Meet Willow Potter. She looks so much like her grandma Lily Potter. Willow is the first born of Harry and Ginny. Harry is protective of her and he wants her safe and happy. Willow is good friends with Teddy till they turned thirteen and Teddy asks Harry for permission to date his daughter. Harry trusts Teddy with his little girl and they start dating after a Hogsmaid visit.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione thought that they could change the future. Hermione found a old Spell to send them to the past. They told their plan to Professor McGonagall and she agreed, she is sad to never see them again in this timeline, but she knows the past needs them more.

Willow and Teddy are now 19 and they went with Harry, Ginny, and their aunt and uncle. Ginny is also pregnant and this spell was found to be safe for her to go along. What will happen? How will the past react to the future and the future kids?

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