shitty parent squad

Start from the beginning

"is everything okay?" the ravenette asked, clearly concerned.

"yeah it's fine, he just spooked himself," karl sighed quietly, "i should probably go check on tubbo though, the noise probably triggered him too."

"he's okay, i went to check on him and he wasn't there so i texted and he replied saying that he's at tom's house," quackity informed the other, "so he didn't even know about the bang."

karl couldn't help the wide smile that spread across his face- he was unexplainably happy that quackity would do something like that. "that's so thoughtful of you."

"anything for my brothers," the shorter boy smiled shyly, immediately being pulled into a quick hug before karl stepped away to get dressed.

the pair were quick to finish getting ready, crossing over to sapnap's house and letting themselves in to see ella in the living room, plaiting bad's hair.

"hi boys," bad greeted with his usual enthusiastic tone. "how does my hair look?"

"oh wow, bad, it looks great. you'll have to do mine some time, e," quackity joked, earning a small giggle from the younger.

bad looked over at the ravenette, squinting suspiciously. "i feel like that was sarcastic."

"no, no, of course it wasn't," ella defended, refocussing on their dad's hair as quackity struggled to take off his shoes.

the door knocked, making karl jump slightly before turning to see a shorter silhouette through the glass. "oh, that'll be george," he announced, stepping towards the door.

"george?" ella repeated in shock, grabbing their phone and sprinting up the stairs just as karl let the brunette in.

"hello george," bad greeted as he walked in from the lounge, ruffling his fingers through his hair to release it from the plaits. "i'm bad, sap's dad," he smiled, "it's nice to meet you."

george was about to reply before being interrupted by a voice coming down the stairs.

"why is ella running around the house?" skeppy asked, stepping down to see the confused-looking brunette. "oh hello, you must be george. i'm skeppy, sap's dad, it's nice to meet you."

george furrowed his eyebrows, looking between the two for a moment before it seemed to hit him, "yes, uh, it's nice to meet you both too," he replied, having to cut his introduction short as karl practically dragged him up the stairs and into sapnap's room.

"why didn't i know you had gay dads?" george asked, sitting down on the ravenette's bed as quackity shut the door.

sapnap looked up at him, surprised. "have you not seen them around before?"

"no! what the fuck, that's so cool, i want gay dads," he whined light-heartedly.

"what's your dad like?" quackity asked, sitting down beside the brit.

"oh uh, he's really strict," george winced. "it's really annoying. what about yours?"

quackity didn't answer immediately, he and the other two boys sharing an unreadable look.

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