Win pushes bright and runs around the room. Bright is chasing him. This is the second time he is chasing his playful bunny today. Not that he minds.

Bright: Hah! Caught you!!!

Bright: Hah! Caught you!!!

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Bright: Yay. Now my kiss

 Now my kiss

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Win: Wait.

Bright: now what darling?

Win: Let's go to the sea side.

Bright: Huh whyyy?  what about our little honeymoon?

Win: Stop saying little. Nothing is gonna be little I know.

Bright: tch! You know me so well.

Win: So before I can't walk anymore coz of that not-so-little whatever. Let's go. It's quite breezy. It's gonna be fun.

Bright: Fine let's goo Sir.

At the sea.

Both of them sat on the shore. Hand in hand. Leaning on each other. Enjoying the view and each other's embrace.

Win: I am so lucky to have you na Bright.

Bright: We both are lucky we found each other.

Win: Yeah. Or else I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. *tears forming*

Bright: Baby why are you crying? Don't cry. *tears forming*

Win: Saraleo I am not crying. Something went inside my eye. Why are you crying?

Bright: Oh! Oh! Same same. Same reason.

Win: You idiot. Can't even see me cry huh.

Win touches bright's hair and brings his head closer towards his chest.

On that Bright cutely shakes his head in Win's chest with a pout

Win: Gosh You are such a baby. *Wiping Bright's tears*.

Bright: 🤧🤧

Win: If someone from our batch saw you like this. What will they think, Mr. Foul-Mouthed?

Bright: Don't remind me of my Rebellious phase.

Win started laughing sooo hard reminiscing about the past.

Win: Really what a rebellion you were!!!! 55555

Bright: yeah right. You enjoyed it the most.

Win stopped laughing.

Win: Ohh please. Getting bullied by the one you love isn't enjoying for everyone.

Now it's Bright's turn to laugh...

Win: Seriously how did you even change? There's just so much difference between you and him.

Bright: What me and him? We are the same person.

Win: I doubt. Do you have a twin?

Again Win's laughing echoed around the shore.

Bright pulled win closer to him. There's just an inch gap between them.

Bright: Your beautiful Love changed me.

The atmosphere is right, the dialogues are right, the person is right. And so the kiss..

They both kissed deeply as if they found their whole world in one person.

They kissed because they knew they were the one for each other.

They kissed because the vibe begs for it.

They kissed because the love is in the air.

The kiss means they are each other's comfort place.

They stopped kissing because Bright is horny.

Bright: Get up now. The night is long. 😏


I am soo happy for my characters. As you all might have guessed already, this is last chapter. Yes. This is it. Even though I want to write more, but I feel like this is perfect end for these two.

Thank you everyone for reading this book, voting and for your lovely comments.

Today this book hit 1K views. I am soo happy I can't describe. And My brightwin here have found happiness and I am glad they did.

Soo Sayonara to my lovely readers. Thanks for the support. See you in my next work.

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