
894 19 18

Word count: 874

Lucifers POV

I sighed as I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a pink vest with dark red slacks. Underneath my vest was a simple, cream colored button-up. Stolen from my right-hand mans closet. Normally I'd just wear a vest on its own, but this seemed to fit nicely. Plus, it reeks of his perfume. A lovely little bonus to the outfit.

My look seemed to be missing something, but I decided that I didn't have time to be nit-picky. I needed to get out on the casino floors. It helped my manager when I was out there, takes a load off of him. So I try to help when I'm available, or when I'm avoiding my own work. But, he had added a rule for people working the casino floors.

"All employees or management must be dressed appropriately in formal attire."

He's fussed at me for it so many times I've lost track. I wasn't in the mood to get told off for being bare naked, so I decided to abide by his rule. My personal selection of clothing was outdated and needed to be replaced, so I just 'borrowed' something from his closet. But I've decided that it suits me, so it won't be returned. If he has anything to say about it, he can contact my flaming trident. I may respect him, but that doesn't mean he can just walk all over me.

I stepped out of his dressing room and went to the casino floors. I walked around, helping look for cheaters and card counters (basically doing his job for him while he ran a table). I smirked, slowly passing by as my tail just so happened to stroke his hand. His eyes were suddenly on me.

He looked me up and down, seemingly surprised that I had listened to his rule. I noticed he was wearing basically the same outfit, just in different shades of purple. His blazer was neatly folded on his lap. I looked to his face, noticing the makeup. A new addition to his regular (just because it was regular doesn't mean he didn't look fantastic) look, a bold red lip.

I noticed the tube of lipstick in question was still in his vest pocket. I smirked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Good evening Dice." I said, keeping my tone steady. He bit his lip, noticing that he had a free moment while patrons were still deciding what to do with their cards.

He pulled me down quickly by my collar, thinking no one would notice. "What exactly do you think you're doing?" He asked, his voice was deep and penetrating. It made me shiver. I smirked as I quickly took the lipstick from his vest pocket.

"What~? I'm just respecting your wishes, Dice." I said as I slowly pulled away. I uncapped the lipstick, holding it up to my lips. "Is that so bad?" I asked, with a curious tone.

"Depends on your intentions, Boss." He stated, his eyes watching my smirk. I applied the lipstick, after making sure it was even, I capped the tube and put it back in its owners pocket.

"Heh.. hope you don't mind that I borrowed that, but since it's already on.. How's it look?" I asked. Blush had crept up onto his cheeks, taking over his face. Perfect. Almost like a tomato! I always loved to tease him like this. Mostly because I know what he'll do afterwards. "Well, Kingston? I don't have all day you know!" I said, placing a hand on my hip.

"Y-you..ahem, you look ravishing, Boss~" He said as he winked at me. It honestly made me chuckle. He would flirt a bit, amuse me, then take me back to his sleeping quarters or office for a nice glass of wine.

"That an attempt to flirt with me? Of all people I thought you knew better than to flirt with your Boss!" I said, a bit of blush starting to show. Then maybe a few kisses here and there.. and end off the night in each others arms, cuddling I believe people call it.

I noticed the people at his table had been staring. I glared at them making them mind their own damn business. Suddenly I felt a hand on my waist. I looked back at Dice to see that he had stood up and was currently calling over an employee to take over for him. I hung my arm over his shoulder, patiently waiting for the employee to arrive.

Soon enough I was taken to his room and offered a glass of wine. I happily agreed. I sat on his bed, leaning on the headboard. He sat next to me on the other side, mindlessly mimicking my actions. I took a sip, shortly after so did he. I set down my drink, so does he. I pull him close, he pulls me close. I kiss him, he kissed me right back.

A bit later there's red lipstick all over both of our faces, and we're both happily cuddled up in his bed and under the covers. Content with each other's company. Happy and content.. I really need to do this more often.

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