Chapter 4

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A few weeks went by. It was the beginning of October. It was almost Halloween and the first Hogsmeade visit was this weekend. Except for the first and second years, all the students were excited, but none more than the third years as this was the first year they were able to go.

Violet was heading to the Great Hall for lunch, with Cedric, Fred, and George.

"You guys excited for our first Hogsmeade trip?" George asked.

"Yeah." Violet said. "It's going to be great."

"We'll talk to you guys later." Fred said as they walked into the Great Hall.

"See you later, guys." Cedric said. He and Violet walked over to the Hufflepuff table and sat down.

Violet looked over at the Gryffindor table where Harry was sitting with Fred and George's younger brother, Ron. Ever since the welcome feast and Sorting Ceremony, Violet had kept staring at him during meals and whenever she saw him around the castle. She knew she shouldn't, but she couldn't help it. He was her brother and all she wanted to do was talk to him.

"You ok?" Cedric asked.

"I just want to talk to him and Dumbledore won't let me do that." Violet said.

"I know this can't be easy for you." Cedric said. "But, I think I might have an idea to get your mind off Harry."

"And what's that?" Violet asked.

"Let me take you out on a date." Cedric said.

"What?" Violet asked.

"With our first Hogsmeade trip this weekend, I thought we could have our first date since deciding to date." Cedric explained. "If you want to, of course."

"I would love to do that." Violet said. "Great." Cedric said.

That evening, Violet was looking through her clothes, trying to decide to wear for Saturday.

"You ok?" She heard someone say. Violet turned around to see Chrissie, a third year Hufflepuff. "Sorry." Chrissie said. "I heard you mumbling as I walked by your room."

"Actually, I could use your help." Violet said. "Cedric is taking me on a date this Saturday and I have no idea what to wear."

"It's about time you two are finally going on a date." Chrissie said. Violet chuckled. "Let's see what you have." Chrissie continued as she went over to Violet's trunk.

After a little bit, the two found an outfit for Violet to wear.

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