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There are times when I wish my family had more money. I don't think it has to be a lot of money, just a decent amount, so I wouldn't have to work thirty different part-time jobs to pay my college tuition. Particularly if I have to sacrifice my free time that I'm supposed to be using to attend the Jazz Festival with my friends.

It's not that I don't enjoy working at the photo booth here at the Ice-Disco, but if you had buttheads as your coworkers, you would prefer to be at the Jazz Festival right now more than anything else. While I know what my mother would tell me right now, that I should be grateful even when the day is not the best, but today I don't feel like being grateful. At the moment, I'm not interested in doing anything other than going to the Jazz Festival. 

"You are looking all frazzled and overtired and it's not even 8 pm yet", Daniel says as he prints out the photographs from the last two customers, "what's up?"

Taking the camera from the table, I sigh, "Let's just say I'd rather be elsewhere right now."

He tucks his shirt back in for the tenth time today, he says, "I know, the Jazz Festival. But at least you're working with me instead of Mr. Jack Harlow Wannabe and Mrs. Flirt.

"You have a point", I say, "If I was working with one of them I'd be freaking out right now"

"Imagine, you'd land on the news! Tragedy on Ice: tired, overworked 17 year old gets a stroke from working with idiots at the Ice Disco", he chuckles. 

I raise an eyebrow, "Trust me, if I'd land on the news, it would be because I killed one of them"

"Seems more likely"

From all of the coworkers I have working with me in the Youth Group here from Eastwood, Daniel is the only person I get along with. There is Andrea, whom we both call Mrs. Flirt, since instead of working she likes to flirt with literally every guy customer that comes in. In addition to the weirdos of the Youth Group Eastwood, there's Bobby, whom we call Mr. Jack Harlow Wannabe. His nickname is self explanatory. Of course I can't forget the group of Emilies. That "clique" consists of four girls, all of them are called Emily: Emily A, Emily H, Emily D and Emily F. They only want to work with each other and won't pay attention to anyone else that works with them. 

This is why I always choose to work with Daniel as often as possible. He's weird, sure. A total comic book geek and is completely obsessed with old bands such as Nirvana and such. But he's a good coworker. 

"Hey Danny!", I hear a voice reach out. I turn around and see a guy going to Daniel and giving him a so-called bro hug. The guy is quite tall. I'd say around 6 foot 4. His dark, wavy hair reaches out to his ears, and I think I can see a silver earring on one of them. I am assuming he plays hockey, seen from his jersey he has on. 

He turns around and looks at me for about four seconds before he turns back to Daniel, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your little coworker here Danny?"

"Sure, this is Jade", he puts his hand on my shoulder, "Jade this is Vincent"

I let a little laugh out. Vincent? What kind of name is that? His name reminds me of a guy from an old crime novel. 

Vincent looks confused at me, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing", I say, "Your name is just kind of weird"

"What do you mean weird?", he smiles a little. 

"Well", I take a quick look at Daniel who seems to be just as curious, "your name sounds like the name of a character in a crime novel"

He takes one step closer, "What kind of character?" 

"Like, the character that usually dies first" 

As soon as I finished that sentence, he started to laugh. I can't help but find his laugh actually quite attractive. And not to mention a little contagious. I started to laugh a little too. 

"You know", he pauses, "you're the first one to think my name is weird. Others say it's quite hot"

"Oh my god Vincent don't be too full of yourself", Daniel jokingly punches him in the arm. 

Five minutes pass by where I take photos and at the same time I talk with Vincent and Daniel. I don't know Vincent much, but from what I can tell, he's quite different. Different in a good way. He's not too arrogant, nor is he asocial. It's only been five minutes and yet I realise that I get along with him pretty well. And, I don't like to admit it, but I think I'm kind of attracted to him. 

"So Daniel", I say, picking up my camera from the table, "Do you still have your VIP tickets?"

Working at the Youth Group does give you some benefits, such as these VIP tickets. Each employee gets one VIP ticket to either give out to a friend or keep it to themselves every time we work at the Ice Disco. But the stupid thing is that I lost mine right after we got it. 

Danny looks at me, "Yeah. What about 'em?"

"I was asking if I could have a VIP ticket from you"

Daniel chuckles, "I can't just give you a VIP ticket just like that. Why, lost them already?"

"Yes Daniel please", I beg him, "You're one of my best friends"

"Come on", Daniel says, "If you want that VIP ticket, you have to do something for me first. There's no way I'd let you slide for free"

I look at him, "I'll do anything" The thing is, I promised my sister the VIP ticket so she can go out with her friends next week to the Ice Disco. It was a pinky promise.

Daniel looks around for a few seconds, trying to figure out what I should do in order to get that ticket. Then his eyes fall on to Vincent.

"Jade", he points his finger at Vincent, "You have to slap him. Then I'll give you the ticket"

"What?", Vincent lays his Dr. Pepper on the table, "Daniel! You can't just bring me into this!"

"Dude are you serious?", I asks him. Daniel nods.

Vincent turns to me, "Are you seriously going to do this?" I nod. To my surprise, he smiles.

"I won't slap hard I promise", I beg, "I'll get you anything you want. Thirty bagels, a dozen Dr. Peppers"

Vincent stares at me for a few seconds, "Why do you need to do this?"

"I promised my sister a VIP ticket for next week so she could hang with her friends", I say, "it was a pinky promise, so that's self-explanatory"

He nods, "Fine. But in return, I'd like to have your number"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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