I transform to Glitchtrap before teleporting far away from the house. I take out my phone and dials a number that i never thought i would call again.
".. Vanny i need your assistance."


Liam was acting a bit off..
Is it because of yesterday..?
Oh dear God..
Does he hate our daughter now...?
Liam would never.. right..?

I let out a sigh as i caress Layla's cheek.
"What the hell would I do if your papa hates you..?"
Her small hand grabs my finger before she starts chewing it.
".. I'll try my best to protect you sweetheart..i love you so much.."

"Sir what are we doing with this baby again-?"
".. we're experimenting with him Vanny."
"..what..? But- but why!?"

I set the syringe down as i let out a sigh.
"I need to find out what's wrong with my daughter. I'll do anything for her."
"But..this baby is innocent! You can't just experiment on him!"
"I know Vanny but my daughter could be in danger and i don't want William to be in distress more than he already is! He is finally happy and i am not going to ruin that!"
"Sir.. there's nothing else that you could do other than doing this..?"
"No there isn't. Now let's just do this already."

Vanny looks hesitant at first but chose to agree with me since there's no other choices for her.
She hands the baby to me and i pick up the syringe filled with the remnant.
I do feel bad for the child..
But it's for my daughter and i would do anything for her.

"If you want to look away Vanny, you can."
She did what i told her to do and looks away.
I inhale a sharp breath before injecting the liquid into his stomach.
"Now we just have to wait."
"For what..?"
"..for something to happen."

Both of us just stood there in silence for what felt like hours before Vanny cleared her throat.
"So uhh..why did you even ask me for help..? Why not just ask your husband?"
"Because i know he won't approve of this. He has a soft spot for children apparently.. sometimes. Plus i don't want him to stress out over this. He's been through enough and i do not want to add more on to his plate."
"Ah..i see."

I place the baby down on the table as i watch him reach out to me.
"I do feel bad for the child. But it has to be done. Though if he lives after this, i will bring him back to his parents."
"Hm..that's good to hear i suppose.."

I let him touch my finger and i can't help but feel a small smile form on my face.
Such a fragile little one.
He continues to play with my finger when suddenly he stops and i noticed that he stopped breathing as well.
"Vanny..his breathing stopped.."

She pushes me aside and picks the baby up to check.
"What happened!? How did he just stopped breathing all of the sudden!?"
"It must've been because of the remnant.."
"Well what the hell do we do then!?"
"I don't kno-"

My sentence was interrupted when we hear the sound of a baby crying. I look at the child and to my relieve, he looks okay. But then i notice his eyes..
Their violet..
Just like Layla's eyes.

Other than that he seems perfectly fine..
But how the hell are babies able to survive this?
"Do babies have some sort of super power or some shit-? How in the fucking hell are they able to survive the remnant-?
"No sir. No they don't. I don't even know how they survived it.. is it even that deadly..?"
"My husband literally almost died because of the damn thing. So how the fuck are fetuses and babies are able to survive!?"
"Don't ask me man. Your the one who made the thing!"

I groan in frustration as i pinch the bridge of my nose.
All this doesn't make sense..
Maybe i should just drop it and just be grateful that Layla is alive..
That's the only thing that matters right..?
What if..
There's no way..

She can't be dead..
"Vanny..is his heart beating..?
"Eh? Sir he is breathing, so I'm sure his heart would still be beating"
"Just check!"
She seemed startled for a moment before doing what I told her to do and checks up on his heart beat. Her expression seems normal for a second, before it turns confused then terrified.

"Sir..why isn't his heart beating..?"
"..Vanny he is dead.."
"What do you mean!? He is crying right now, so how could he be dead!?"
"The remnant killed him Vanny! He's dead! He is dead but his soul is stuck in his body because of the remnant!"

She didn't say anything but her terrified look remains on her face.
".. just make him stop crying please. We need to return him."
She nodded before walking away with the baby to try and calm him down.

If this baby is dead..
Then that means..
"No..no..she can't be dead! She's- she's not! She is fine! Right..?"
Tears form in my eyes but eventually they pour out of my eyes.
"Fuck fuck! She's dead! She's fucking dead..my daughter is dead and it's all my fucking fault!"
How will I tell William about this!?
He already lost too many people that he loved and now he has to know that our baby is dead!

"Sir! I heard yelling! Is everything alright?" Vanny asked as she came back with the baby now asleep in her arms.
"..Vanny go and bring the baby back home. I've got other things to do."
"Oh- uhm- alright then..see you later i suppose.."
I teleported back home feeling guilty and heart broken. But William would soon be more heartbroken than i am after he finds out.

"Liam! There you are! Where have you been!? I was worried you dumbass-"
He then notices my tear stained face and his angry face is now filled with concern.
"Are you alright darling..? What happened..?"
I'm sorry William.
"Layla is dead."

Would ya look at that?
A cliffhanger ;)

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