"All of Miyagi-Do is invited to go, so if they all agree, you would have a lot of people who would never leave you, not that we would, and if we left without you for any reason, we would text you as soon as we possibly could. If we leave you, call us as soon as it happens and don't stop until we pick up, okay? I don't want what happened at the skating rink to happen again," Sam says. Huh... I search her face for a lie or a set up or any sign that her words aren't genuine... and find none. I know her faces and expressions. She's telling me the truth.

"Okay, okay, I'm in, but I'm taking my own car this time," I say. We all chuckle. Maybe I can just, like, tag along a few yards away from them or stick with Demetri or something.

"I'm in too," Robby says, "how much time do we have?"

"We'll all meet up there in like an hour. She doesn't live too far away," she replies. Okay sick, I have to wash my hair.

"Sweet, don't expect to see me for the next 50 minutes," I say, then fly to Robby and I's room to get things. Time to speedrun my hair.


I feel crazy, but I did it. It was totally worth it though because I managed to make the curls look really good. Now Sam is helping me get an outfit right quick.

"I think you should wear this. I wanted to surprise you with an outfit and I think it would look super cute on you," she says, throwing an outfit on the bed. A white tube top that does not at all look like it should stay up on my freshly paved road of a chest, jean shorts, but not the long ones that your mom made you wear to summer camp, and a loose, light floral/tropical print cardigan. It would cover the scars on my arms, and also the discoloration from where the gym floor burns were...

"Oh yeah, show off all that form I don't have," I say. I'm built like a stick. A decently toned stick, but a stick nonetheless. A beanpole. I'm practically the same height as Robby, who's about 5'8, so not giant tall, but when you combine it with the twig stature... yep.

"So what if you don't have much going on upstairs? With all the squats kicks we do plus what you do at tae kwon do? I'd say you have a pretty nice butt," Sam says. I- uhm- anyway.

"I mean I think you're wrong, but thank you?" I reply. She laughs.

"I'm not wrong, you could totally pick up guys if you wanted to,"

"I mean no offense and you know I love you, but I'm so glad I'm not like, involved involved in all that drama you have with Robby and Miguel. I don't need any of it or any other boy drama, for that matter,"

"I sure wish I could say the same,"

"Yeah... okay I don't think that thing is gonna stay up on me,"

"Just put the outfit on, grab your shoes, and meet us by the car. We won't leave without you," she laughs, and with that, she leaves me to change. I change quickly. Okay hold on... okay I'll have to thank her, this actually looks really good and it's staying up just fine! I fly down to grab my shoes, phone, and keys, then finally join Robby and Sam at our cars. Who knows? Maybe I'll turn out to like parties after all.


I do not like parties. I can tell just by being outside. I can already tell it's loud and crowded, which are two things I am not particularly a fan of.

"There's a lot of people out here already," Chris observes. He's right... I don't know if this is the best place for me to be... but I could use the distraction from the therapy question, assuming that this doesn't end up fueling the fire of me going to therapy. I know I need it and it's not that I'm opposed... but it just sort of... throws me off. It's a little daunting to me, and I just need a little time to process it.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now