Chapter 2

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You laid down on the couch and just looked at the ceiling. This wasn't the first time you had stayed at Dabis house. You stayed here pretty often and it was normally after he yelled at you. You weren't scared of him like most people would be. You weren't scared of him when you both met in the first place. You met Dabi shortly after your mom died. Your mom was a pro but her agency put her in a dangerous situation and did nothing to save her. You didn't have a quirk but you were really good with aim. After your mom died you worked on your hand to hand combat and your archery skills. You got so good that you could pin a fly to a wall by its wings.

You ran into Dabi when you caused a bit of a problem for him and the league. You got in the way of one of their missions and Dabi was the first person to catch you. Ever. He convinced you to join the league and you agreed. He told you that you needed to move out of your apartment because you could potentially put your roommate in danger. You just needed to figure out how to leave. You loved jasmine, she has been your friend since you were little. She was one of the only people there for you when your mom died. You sighed a rolled onto your side. You heard Dabis door open and he walked into the kitchen.

"You can't sleep either?" He asked as he turned on the kitchen lights.

"Yeah" you said.

"You want a drink?" He asked pulling out his whiskey.

"I don't drink like that" you said sitting up.

You looked at him. His back was towards you and he was shirtless. He poured himself a drink and turned around leaning against the counter. He took a sip and looked at you. You were looking at his toned body. You didn't notice he was looking at you look at him.

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll start to think you have a crush on me" he said watching your reaction as your face warmed up.

"Whatever" you said rolling your eyes and getting off the couch.

"You sure you don't want a drink?" He asked again and you shook your head.

You walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter across from him. You looked at the floor and sighed.

"I'm sorry for getting in the way earlier, Toga can just be so aggravating sometimes" you said looked up at him.

"It's fine, you were concerned about that child and her mom, there is nothing wrong with that" he said finishing his drink. "You have a good heart and that is a good thing but it can get in the way sometimes" he said.

You nodded your head and he put his cup down walking towards you. He stood in between your legs and lifted your head up with his pointer finger. You looked at him and he pushed a piece of your hair that fell out of your bun behind your ear. You looked in his eyes and he looked in yours. His hands were warm. He put his hand on your cheek and you leaned into his touch. You looked at him and he was just looking at you. You felt your face heat up and he smirked.

"You should take the bed, it cold out here" he said softly.

"It's cold everywhere in your house" you said keeping your face in his hand.

"Then at least sleep in the bed with me" he said stroking your cheek with his thumb.

"Fine but don't try anything" you said and he nodded with a chuckle.

"I'll be there in a minute" he said and you nodded.

You hopped off the counter and walked to the bedroom. You got in the bed and could feel where Dabi was laying down before. You got under the covers and got comfortable. After a few minutes you heard Dabi come in and you felt the bed dip behind you. When he laid down you felt the warmth radiating off of his body. You subconsciously moved closer to him and he hummed.

"Stop being so shy, if your cold just say that" he mumbled and pulled your back to his chest.

You shook your head and you let his warmth surround you. You felt your body relax and you drifted to sleep. Dabi on the other hand stayed awake for a little bit. It was dark and he could only see the outline of your body. He sighed and moved some lose hair out of your face. You were a quiet sleeper and you didn't move very much either. Dabi just listened to your faint breathing before he went to sleep as well.

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You woke up and Dabi was still asleep. You yawned and moved away from him slowly so he wouldn't wake up. You got out of the bed and grabbed a pair of sweats. You put them on and you grabbed your stuff. You walked out of the room grabbing your quiver and putting your hoodie on and leaving. You walked back to your apartment and enjoyed the quiet. You hit your vape and listened to music. You got to your building and climbed the fire escape. You opened your window and climbed in. You put your stuff away in your closet and went out into the kitchen.

"You're up early" Jasmines voice echoed through the apartment.

"Oh uh, yeah, I'm just a bit thirsty" you said grabbing a glass.

"Oh well how did you sleep?" She asked as she got ready for work.

"Pretty good still a little tired." You said filling your glass with water.

"Well thats good, did you see the news?" She asked and you shook your head no. "The league attacked again last night, but they say that they are still trying to get info on the new member" she said putting her stuff in her bag.

"Mmm any thing new about this mystery man?" You asked as if not knowing it was you.

"Well they don't think they have a quirk and they think this mystery man is a woman" she said putting her bag on, "they even have a name for her, they call her The Silent Anti-hero: Longshot. Apparently she is good with a bow and arrow" Jasmine said as she walked into the kitchen. "But I'll see you later" she said hugging you and leaving.

You sighed as the door shut. It seemed like they were finding out more and more about you. It didn't help that you got involved last night but still they were getting somewhere. It wouldn't be long before they knew that you 100% didn't have a quirk. It did, however, make it harder for them to identify you. You brought your drink to your room and you felt your phone buzz. It was Dabi telling you that there was a meeting tonight at the hide out. You drank your water and laid down going back to sleep.
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