Chapter 4- His Maid: Dog Baiting

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This Chapter will contains spoiler for Black Butler episodes 7-8, so if you haven't watch it please watch it first to avoid spoilers and to understand the Chapter, thank you.


Previous Day:

"You five, we will be going to a resort tomorrow, get ready for that and don't be late."

"Yes Young Master."

"I can't believe we're going to go to a resort tomorrow, I'm so excited, what do you think will be there, huh?!" Mey Rin squealed in excitement.

"I want to go to a pool and splash around! That would be so much fun!" Said Finny.

"The Young Master really knows a lot of good places right?" Added Bard.

I honestly don't see what they're excited about, I mean we're basically just accompanying Ciel in another one of his jobs for the Queen, not to mention, this time there would be dogs included...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of them, it's just I am disgusted by their fur and I'm not that into huge dogs, plus I prefer watching them from a distance rather than getting close, touching and petting them.

And honestly I prefer cute, adorable and small puppies rather than huge and trained dogs.

Next Day/Present

"Such a loud bunch, huh Young Master? They seem to be excited." Sebastian commented.

"I just can't leave them behind in the mansion that's all, I doubt even having our new maid will make such a difference since the other three are too loud and chaotic." Ciel mentioned.

"Well, I guess you're right, Young Master, in your placement of words."

"To secure that village so that the Queen can turn that place to a resort is the goal of this trip".... Is what Ciel said in the anime.

The moment we arrived at the village, dogs were surrounding the area, there were dogs locked in cages, some were playing around with them and there were more people training their dogs. In short, everywhere we looked, there were dogs.

"I love cats, but I'm not so good with dogs... frankly, I hate dogs." Sebastian said with a wide smile on his face.

"I couldn't agree more." I said quietly at the back where I sat with the others, but it seemed like that demon butler heard what I said.

Then we finally arrived at Barrymore castle.

With that we were greeted with that daughter of a b-, I mean his only maid who also guided us to her master's office.

The moment we went in, he was already whipping his maid. Honestly I was grossed out and kind of angered at that small scene, I mean, is that really how you welcome guests who have travelled far and long just to come to you?

I sighed softly to not be heard in utter disappointment at the hospitality we're getting so far, I mean I knew this also happened in the anime, but seeing it in real life is just way more disturbing than I ever hoped it would be.

Ciel was also probably thinking of the same thing as he ordered Sebastian to stop that man from "punishing" his maid.

Then the meeting between the three, oh no, the three and one more person, me, begins.

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