Chapter 1- His Maid: Adjusting

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I could not find a pic of an anime girl with a baby blue maid dress so just imagine the girl above was wearing a blue one instead of a black one, thanks and enjoy reading. Don't worry, I'll make future parts, here I just accidentally pressed "story completed" and don't know how to revert it to "unfinished story." Thank you for understanding.

Credit to Pic :


"Why do I have to follow her to her shop? I know I have nothing to do at home but at least it's better than spending my time in the cashier, being forced to talk to random people when I can't even talk comfortably with my friends who I'm closer with. Oh well at least I can drink the cafe's Matcha Latte, there's literally nowhere better to get a cup of Matcha Latte."

I walked inside the cafe as I got ready to order my delicious cup of Matcha Latte that would keep me going for the day, but all of a sudden I felt dizzy, this was rare for me, I thought that some kind of side effect of my epilepsy due to not drinking my pills in the morning which was rare since I always remember to drink it, but I do often for some reason forget whether I had drink it or not.

When I came to, I saw three figures standing in front of me, they looked confused as they stared at me.

"Look, She's waking up! Call Sebastian, he'll know what to do!"

"Huh? Sebastian, as in Sebastian Michaelis of Black Butler." I thought to myself.

I tried to move myself, but to my disappointment I could not move at all as the dizziness in my head had not disappeared yet.

"What have you three done this time, hopefully it isn't something as horrible." a dark toned voice came through.

Though I was in a bad condition, I was in a good enough condition to figure out who it was, he was none other than the fearful Phantomhive butler, Sebastian Michaelis.

The last thing I saw was him standing, looking down on me with a confused face, though not as confused as the other three servants.

As I woke up, I found myself asleep on what it looks like a small bed, it wasn't anything huge or luxurious, but it was comfortable enough for one to sleep in and that's when I realised that I was in one of the servants' room, to be precise, I was in Sebastian's room.

"I see that you have awakened." The same voice that I heard before I passed out greeted me.

I was still half asleep when he was talking and I rubbed my eyes to help me see things clearer.

I was fearful of the demon butler, and I know that he knows of that too as he says: " Why are you being weary of me, it's not like I have done anything to make you fear me, now can you please tell me who you are and how you ended up here?"

I know better than not to lie to him, lying to him will only bring bad things to me and I need to be careful of what I say if I don't want to end up as a demon's meal.

"M-my name is Renata Wiliiam... As for how I got here, I'm not really sure if you will believe what I will say... But I- I'm going to say it otherwise. I was just going to my mother's cafe to order something to drink, when all of a sudden I felt dizzy and somehow ended up here." I told him in a really soft voice, almost a whisper but obviously the demon butler heard what I said.

"It seems like you are not lying to me... then if what you are saying is the truth, that would also mean that you are not around here and currently have no place to stay, yes?"

The Straitlaced Maid and The Typical TeenagerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora