Chapter 2- His Maid: On Duty

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I tried to make this chapter as long as I could, and this is the result, still a bit shorter than the last chapter. Thank you for reading this and please enjoy reading this chapter! 


Living in the Victorian Era which doesn't have much technology except a tv filled with black and white films and little of entertainment for someone as poor as me is really hard, especially when I spend my days on youtube, making videos, writing Wattpad stories and playing otome dating sim games.

I basically had nothing to do, and even if I saved links of my favorite fanfics that I would re read, there's obviously no wifi so I can't do anything with my phone and no, the books in the library were all so boring, the english were too different, and the stories were all too difficult for me to understand, obviously since all were Ciel's books.

I got annoyed and decided to get ready earlier today. I took a bath and ate breakfast. Since I had little to no idea how to cook, I just made myself some eggs and sausages, that should be enough until lunch time anyway. Just when I was finished eating, Sebastian entered the room and started preparing Ciel's food.

Then, at five sharp, the other servants arrived at the kitchen and started having their breakfast. Like Ciel told me yesterday, I started to clean up the rooms while Sebastian looked over at me, fearing that I am as clumsy as the other servants.

I have to be thankful to my school for making the students clean their own dishes, because of that, cleaning up the dishes became no big deal for me. Which obviously makes it easier for Sebastian since he doesn't have to worry about Mey - Rin breaking more plates. I also have to be thankful to my mother who keeps pestering me to clean up my room while we were abroad with no maids to help us clean our rooms and the area of our apartment room. All the work was tiring, but thank goodness none of them was difficult for me to do.

When I was already finished cleaning up the library, Ciel just woke up. Talk about unfairness, but what can I do? He is the Earl of the house and I have no power against him or his demon butler who's literally by his side 24/7.

It took me a few hours to finish all my chores, but I finally did and when I was just about to get myself some well deserved rest, Ciel told me to get him some pastries from the nearby bakery, and when I say nearby, I meant nearby by the carriage, Not only that, but it turns out that Sebastian too had something to do today, what can be more important than being next to his master and taking the risk of him being attacked by who knows who. I brushed it off, thinking that it's probably got to do with him being the Queen's watchdog.

When I arrived from getting the pastries, Elizabeth was already at Ciel's mansion, she was running around with her shoes on after I exhaustingly swept it, it was harder than usual since all they had was a simple broom and mop, they didn't even had a vacuum cleaner, if they had one, my job of cleaning would've been twice as easier. Not only that, but she also dressed up all the servants in fancy clothing, luckily I had to stay by Ciel's side in replacement of Sebastian while he was away.

I found it weird because why me? I was the newest servant there, aren't they weary of me being a spy or something? Knowing how careful the both of them are, I thought that this was probably a test for me. Let me tell you, being Ciel's pretend butler isn't easy, the kid is so childish, when I told him that he isn't allowed to eat due to later night time they will hold a banquet for Elizabeth's birthday, he'd just order me to get him those pastries, since I was tired enough, I brought him just one of those, but I'm sure I'd get a hearing from Sebastian later.

Well, I thought that serving the nobles wine and all that stuff would be hard and exhausting, but turns out I was wrong. All I needed to do was refer back to my notebook and after a couple of glasses of them drinking, I started to memorize what drink which person preferred. I have to admit, it was exhausting, but not because of the nobles, no, if it was anything about them, they'd just sit quietly and drink or play pool with each other. The exhausting thing was every time Mey - Rin forgot to lace up her shoes and I had to run to her to catch the food, somehow I always catch them in the nick of time, but honestly I'm not sure how long I could keep it up, so I told her to just pour out wines since she can easily refer to my book for help.

If you think she's going to be able to do that, you're hugely mistaken. She would read the guest name and the drink names from different columns and give them the wrong drink. Honestly speaking, my writing wasn't small, if anything they were big and since I also get tired easily and I get confused easily as well from reading stuff, I skip at least one line before writing the next guest and drink. With that, I just asked her to escort the guests who wanted to head to their room, and luckily for me, she was at least able to do that, with help from some notes I left surrounding the mansion in connection with the guests and their rooms.

Bard and Finny weren't allowed to help anyone since obviously they're not maids, and only maids are allowed to be seen in huge events like these. I had to do everything myself, including cleaning up the mess. Though Mey - Rin kept insisting on helping I told her to get some rest since I will need her help with something the next day which was a total lie. It took me a whole hour to just clean up the room, wash the glasses and put the balls in the pool table in order again and it was the most tiring day of my life. I don't understand how Sebastian is able to do all that while attending to Ciel's annoying antics, then I remembered that he was a demon butler, so he has basically limitless strength and energy.

I was too exhausted to even think about dinner, so I cleaned myself up and went straight to bed. That night, I slept like a baby.

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