I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans

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Klaus is sitting at the desk in his study of the MIKAELSON COMPOUND and explains their situation with Lucien as Elijah paces around in front of the fireplace

And, given the circumstance, Lucien qualifies as both friend and foe, and according to Freya's prophecy--

[cuts him off] --You are to beware both friend and foe. But, let us not forget family, Niklaus.

Klaus, clearly hurt by the insinuation, pauses for a moment before shrugging it off

Lucien's two out of three-- I say we put him down. Just like old times.

[drolly] Just like old times? Brother, I wonder who among our family do you suppose has the greatest predilection for betrayal?

[frustrated] Brother, please--

[interrupts him] Now, before we murder Lucien, there are certain questions that need to be answered. Chiefly, what is he doing here?

Klaus remains silent, but looks at him curiously

And the wolf venom... Why would he lie to you, his sire?

Elijah picks up one of Klaus' larger paintbrushes and tosses it in the air before catching it several times

I'm afraid we might have to resort to something deliciously medieval here, brother...

[smirks] "We?" I take it you will lower yourself to associate with your bastard brother?

Klaus stands to his feet, and Elijah smiles fakely at him

Have you finally forgiven me?

I will consider it...

Klaus looks pleased by this answer and smiles at him, but Elijah is not the least bit amused

When Hayley forgives you, Gia rises from the dead, and hell freezes over. For now, however, let's just hope your little friendship with Lucien doesn't disrupt our mission.

Elijah turns and leaves the room without another word. Klaus, surprised and hurt by this reaction, just gapes in shock at Elijah's words



A group of musicians are playing jazz music on the corner of the main street. After a moment, a frazzled Hayley sticks her head out of the window of her new apartment with Jackson and angrily shouts at them

[frustrated] Hey! It's not Jazz Fest! Some of us have twin toddlers who need to sleep!

Just then, the twins starts to cry, and Hayley groans as she returns to unpacking, cleaning up, and doting on Hope and Mercy


The front door opens, and Jackson walks into the apartment and looks at her with a concerned smile

You all right?

[sighs] Oh, they were both having a really nice nap until that stupid music woke them up. How... How are we supposed to live with all this noise?

[gently] You're just sensitive to it, okay? We spent six months as wolves in the Bayou. We've been back a day. I think it's okay to take a minute to adjust.

Easy for you to say! You're not half-vampire. Everything for me is heightened. It's not just the noise. I'm claustrophobic. My skin is crawling. I'm irritable. I'm hungry.

the twins start to cry again, and Hayley sighs, clearly overwhelmed with everything

I wanted to be with them so badly. And now I am, and I just feel off...

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