Alive and Kicking

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[In the distance, a fire rages in a village, while two men on horseback flee from the threat. Inside a cottage, dozens of dead bodies are strewn around the floor, and blood is everywhere. Suddenly, Klaus and Elijah arrive to the cottage and hop down from their horses to investigate]

[angrily] Kol!

[Elijah and Klaus enter the home and are disgusted by the bloody scene]

[aggravated] All of my efforts to keep this family concealed, yet debauchery like this has led Father directly to us.

[shouts] Kol! Show yourself! This is no time for games.

[After a moment, Kol (in his original body) stumbles back into the cottage, still feeding on a woman as she whimpers in fear. Once he's fed on her to death, he drops her body carelessly to the floor]

[smiles and gestures toward them] Come, come, brother! It's always time for games!

[Kol takes a swig from a nearby mug of alcohol and lifts it toward them in a toast]

We must leave. Mikael is very nearly upon us.

[sits down and props his feet on the table] If Mikael were upon us, I imagine Niklaus would be quite dead.

[angry] I barely escaped! Father left the head of my horse on a pike in the town square!

[mockingly] He killed poor Theo? What a beast! But then, Father's always hated you most. Surely he'll chase you if you flee, leaving me here. Perhaps I'll make myself mayor?

[unamused] Rebekah and Finn have already boarded the ship. It is imperative that we remain together

[rises to his feet and walks toward Klaus] Rebekah does what she's told because she fears Nik. And Finn is in no position to argue, given the dagger in his heart. [He smiles wryly] I'll take my chances here!

[Kol turns to walk away, but Elijah is blocking his path. He then turns back around to find Klaus blocking the other way. Kol's eyes widen in alarm once he realizes what they're intending]

[smugly] I find it amusing that you think you have a choice.

[Klaus pulls out the dagger and holds it up to Kol's chest, while Elijah holds Kol down from behind]

[furious] No! I swear to you, the day will come when I'm not so easily subdued! And on that day, I will make you suffer!.

Perhaps! But, today is not that day.

[Klaus shoves the dagger into Kol's heart, and he screams as he begins to desiccate]



[Elijah returns home to find a puddle of blood on the floor of the courtyard. When he walks toward it to take a closer look, he sees a trail of paw prints that eventually turn into human footprints. The prints lead to a dead woman's body, which is propped up against the fountain. Elijah follows another trail of footprints to the bathroom, where Hayley is taking a bubble bath. Another body is propped up against the wall next to the tub]

Come to check up on me?

You've had an eventful evening.

I was having a crappy day, so Klaus took me out to the Cauldron. Wouldn't you know, we ran into some witches!

[sarcastically] So, would you like me to remove your leftovers?

[Elijah steps over the body and into the bathroom, and Hayley rolls her eyes before standing up in the tub, not at all concerned about Elijah seeing her naked, bubble-covered body. Elijah, clearly not pleased, reaches for a towel and hands it to Hayley, though he doesn't avert his eyes from her body]

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