Explaining the gist

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This takes place after the overhaul arc when they rescue eri. Except deku got badly injured during the battle. Also in this story 1.) endeavour never changed he's still abusive to todoroki and touya/Dabi is nice he stopes being a villain and helps save eri.
2.) deku or izuku is trans he used to be a girl and his dad was very transphobic/homophobic.
3.) deku go bullied a lot for being trans except for bakugo who was ok with deku being trans, he still bullied deku a little but not as harsh as in the anime he never told deku to kill  himself someone else did and bakugo just didn't say anything. 4.) deku was born with a quirk it just wasn't something that could let him be a hero so he still gets one for all from all might. His original quirk was a neko quirk that gave him a tail and  ears plus he can turn into a cat. 5.) kamanari is also trans (used to be female) and his father was extremely abusive so was his mom. 6.) bakugo is going deaf because of his quirk 7.) Toru (invisible girl) can turn visible if she wants she just is insucure about her appearance so she doesn't turn off her quirk. 8.) kirishima has anxiety because he's always worried what if one day he can't block something and someone he loves gets hurt 9.) jiro has very sensitive hearing because of her quirk and gets ear aches 10.) tysuyu is self conscious about her frog like traits.

Poprocks (kiribaku)
Asui x tokoyami
Toru x ojiro
Sero x Mina

I might ship ilda with a oc idk yet

No one knows kamanari is trans
Bakugo is the only one who knows deku is trans

Medical stuff ;

Deku has ocd anxiety and depression
Kaminari had ptsd adhd is a bit jumpy plus at one point I might give him hanaki because ✨drama✨
Bakugo is going deaf and has type one diabetes witch means he was born with it he also had anger issues
Mina has autism and adhd
Ilda is slowly loosing his function of his legs from ALS
Sero has arthritis in his arms
Ochaco has motion sickness
Todoroki had ptsd anxiety and depression he also has a learning disability and écima (skin rash)
Koda has social anxiety
Toru has anorexia and multiple other eating disorders
Jiro also has a slight problem with anorexia
Ojiro had social anxiety
Tokoyami has depression
Shoji is suffering from lung cancer and that's why he wears the mask
And mineta is diagnosed with being the worst human being alive.

Ok sorry that was a lot of information.
I'll get started on the story next chapter

My hero academia love is war Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora