Chapter 06

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"Kev?" Jughead asked, somewhere between two and three am. The brunette groaned, rolling around in bed to face him.

"Mhm? What is?"

"I'm hungry"

"Then go in the kitchen and get something to eat" Kevin whispered "or in the basement. Please let me sleep"

"But I want cake"

"We don't have cake"


"So what do you expect me to do?" Kevin asked, rolling around to face him "Bake one?"

"No but can we go buy one?"

"It's past midnight, Jug. I'm not going to get up now. We have school tomorrow"



"Kevvv, I'm pregnant"

"And I'm tired" Kevin said, rolling around to the other side. Jughead huffed and then got out of the covers before walking over to the closet to get into pants and pull over one of Kevin's cardigans.

"What are you doing, Jug?"

"Getting my cake" Jughead mumbled, slipping on his converse.

"No wait, I can't let you go alone. Just wait a minute and I'll go with you"

"That's what I wanted to hear" Jughead smiled softly, hands in his pants pockets while he waited. Kevin groaned, though then sat up and slowly got out of bed. He pulled on some shorts and a shirt as well before slipping on some sneakers.

"Wear a hat, please. It's getting cold" Kevin said as he searched through the closet for a different cardigan to wear. His usual one was on Jughead's body and therefore out of the question with that.

"But I'm not cold"

"I can't have you getting sick now"

"You sound like you're my mom"

"I'm not your mom but I am his" Kevin said, pointing to Jughead's stomach. Though then he paused, blinking "Well... kind of... I guess. I mean, I'm a male, not a woman but I'd still say that I have-"

"I get it, Kevin, but I still won't wear a hat. I'm so warm right now"

"Okay, but don't complain to me when you have a sore throat tomorrow"

"As if I would ever complain" Jughead walked over to his backpack in order to try and find his backpack.

"Don't worry, I'll pay" Kevin said, taking his hand before he started walking downstairs "I know that you barely have any money"

"But I don't-" Jughead tried to protest, though he got stopped by Kevin, who put a finger on top of his lips.

"Shh, I'm paying for your midnight cravings, don't worry"

Ten minutes later, they walked through the walls of Holiday Market. Jughead held onto Kevin's hand as he looked for something that he liked because after he stood in front of the aisle full of different cakes he felt like throwing up. The two boys roamed the whole market for at least twenty minutes before Jughead finally decided on something.

A little bit over an hour later, they were back home and Jughead was eating his popcorn while Kevin sipped a peace tea.

"Thanks, Kevin, for coming with me"

"Of course, Jug. We're in this together, remember?"

"Yes, I remember" Jughead smiled softly. He went to lean in to kiss Kevin but then his eyes shut close and he passed out from exhaustion. Though thankfully Kevin held him up. It wasn't the first time that this happened. During the last few weeks, he had lost consciousness for a second a few times. It especially happened when he didn't take care of himself, when he barely ate and slept or drank water.

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