23. Storms in his heart

Start from the beginning

Han seojun was a bundle of nerves, he was texting her, calling her but Ji-ah was not responding, he decided to go look for her out there. "But where are you going to find her, the city is so damn big out there" Go woon tried to knock some sense in his head. "So what am I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait until something bad happens to her" Han seo jun spat at his sister, "Oppa! You are overreacting, she is not a kid, maybe she had something important to do, maybe she's at her own place" Go woon said "Yeah! That's where I'm going to look first" Han seojun replied, he just put on his shoes not bothering to tie the laces, threw on a random jacket and in seconds he was running out of the main door when he had to stop himself from bumping into a certain someone standing at his door.

Han seojun blinked a few times at the sight, was she really there? In front of him, safe and sound, or was he hallucinating again about her? because he was worried sick. Her eyes traveled all over his body then she spoke up and relief washed over Han seojun. She was actually back home, safe and sound, the weird feeling that was floating over his chest was gone and he engulfed her in a bone-crushing embrace. Han seojun clung to her for a minute but to both of them, it felt much much longer. He could feel her presence, he could smell her hair, and they finally broke free from the hug, but his arms were still wrapped around her body.

Han seojun looked her in the eyes and then his gaze traveled to her face, her body looking for any injury if it was there. "Are you alright?" "Where were you?" "Why were you not answering your phone?" Han seojun was asking her practically the same things he asked over texts but now Ji-ah could see his face, how much he cared. It was moments like these that ignited a flicker of hope in her heart that maybe just maybe he would feel the same for her if she gave it a shot. Maybe they could be something more than just friends but the ifs and buts always came in crashing her hope. "I'm fine. My phone was silent I missed your calls I'm sorry for that" She spoke so gently, her tone light and soft. He kept looking at her face, Han seojun was still not satisfied but their moment was interrupted yet again by his sister "Why do you guys always choose the doorway for Romance?' Go woon spoke up, Ji-ah couldn't make out her expression because her small figure was hidden behind his tall brother. They both moved away from each other and Han seojun gave Go woon a disapproving look. "Shut up" he murmured and walked back in.
Go woon also hugged Ji ah after Han seojun was out of her way. "Where were you Uni? We got worried" she asked Ji ah. 'I just had a few important things to take care of" she told her as they both walked in side by side. Ji ah saw Han seojun who was busy taking off his shoes and jacket, he threw the jacket on the couch aggressively. His demeanor completely changed now. The concern was replaced by fury "See? Oppa I told you she must have something important to do' Go woon said and Han seojun gritted his teeth together "What's more important than being at home so that you won't be home alone?" He said angrily and Ji ah couldn't agree more.

"Oppa! Calm down I came home at six I just spent 2 hours alone it's not that much" Go woon said but Han seojun was not looking at her anymore he glared at Ji ah as he fumed with rage "Are you just gonna play dumb and stay silent? I didn't know you were so irresponsible, Why were you roaming alone out there at this hour?' he spat at her with so much anger, it tiks her off, she never liked it when he looked at her with those angry eyes she hates them "I was not roaming, I was looking for jobs " Ji ah shouted as well, "Oh really and did you find one?' Han seojun said but it sounded like mockery. "Yes I did and I'm sorry I wasn't there to babysit your sister but you don't have to be a jerk about it' she retorted back.

"I'm being a jerk? Wow, amazing That's what I get for caring! great!" Han seojun said and left the scene, banging his bedroom door so hard it rattled the windows. Ji-ah exhaled a shaky breath, she felt like crying. Han seojun was right, it wasn't wise to just disappear without telling anyone but she is still not accustomed to the fact that she has people around her who care, who want to know about her whereabouts, and that she's ok. Having han seojun and his family caring for her is not new anymore but she still forgets it sometimes and now he's mad at her. She turned to Han go woon and spoke in a tired voice 'Can you please tell me where am I supposed to sleep?"

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