Chapter Two

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"Nice to meet you too Mr.Kim" You smiled.
"Ah Just call me Namjoon. It's ok" he smiled back, showing his cute dimples.
There was an awkward silence until Jihye spoke, "Unnie, come with us. Please?" She gave you puppy eyes.
"I-" you started only to get cut off by Namjoon,

"Please come and have brunch with us. Please, You have done alot for us." You pouted a bit not knowing what to do.
"Uh.. Namjoon, I don't know-"
"It's ok. Just come. Won't it be rude to keep on denying when we are pleasing you so much y/n?" He asked as you immediately shook your head.
"I'll come." You said as they both smiled.

You all went inside the Mansion, as Namjoon led the way.
You all sat on the couch and you told him the whole story about' how you met Jihye.
"Namjoon... I guess you should treat your wound." You pointed at his knuckles.
"Uh I actually am a bit scared of doing that, plus I keep on messing things up so I'll just wash it." He scratched the back of his neck as you chuckled.

"Bring me the first-aid box, I'll help you." You said as Jihye jumped out of his arms and ran to his bedroom coming back with a First-aid box in her hand.
"Here Unnie!" She handed you the box as you pinched her nose.
"Good Girl!" You remarked as her eyes sparkled.

"Namjoon, let me help you." You said as he moved forward, extending his hand.

You slowly took his hand in yours as you dip the cotton pad in betadine, patting it on his knuckles, earning a groan from him.
"Appa! Look at the Clothes Unnie bought for me!!" She jumped around as he smiled.
"It's so pretty princess.." he complimented her as she laughed.

"Unnie also calls me Princess! Yay I am the princess!! Appa I'll go to my room!" She said as she ran to her room.

"She is so cute right?" You asked as you applied the last bit of Ointment on his knuckles before wrapping it up with gauze.
"Yes.. she is.. thank you so much y/n.. I don't know how I will repay you, moreover if I would ever be able to repay you" he said.

"It's Ok Namjoon." You smiled.
"Ok Now I'll go and make some brunch or maybe lunch for us. I'll try my best to cook something delicious for you!"
"You don't have to tho-" you fiddled with your fingers.

Cute. He mumbled
"No No. I'll cook and meanwhile you can go to Jihye's room and maybe chill a bit." He said as he showed you her room and went to the kitchen.

You opened the door, and you were awestruck!
It was so big and cute. It basically had every toy a child could wish for and a separate compartment for everything, clothes, toys, games, books and what else! Her dad surely spoils her alot!

"Unnieee!" She hopped into your arms as you picked her up.
"Come let's play!" She said as you got excited to play with her. You always loved playing with children.
She quickly dragged you towards a small pool filled with soft balls instead of water.

"Let's Play!!!" She exclaimed as you both played with the balls.
Meanwhile Namjoon turned the kitchen into a mess. The flour was all over the kitchen island. Noodles were overcooked and soggy. The sauce squirted all over the stove and let's just not talk about the cutted vegetables...
He sighed knowing that cooking skills are more than terrible... He cleared all the mess after calling The nearest 5 star restaurant, ordering lunch for all of you. He looked down at his clothes and they realised that he was prolly looking like a mischievous kid right now.

He went upstairs and changed into his sweats.
He slowly opened the door to Jihye's room, trying his best not to make noise but the sight in front of him melted his heart.
You, playing with Jihye as her room was filled with your and her giggles.
He turned his way but before he can walk out of her room your voice stopped him,

"Namjoon, you can join us." He smiled walking towards both of you.
He sat beside you facing Jihye who was playing with you, throwing balls at you as you did the same. He was awed looking at both of you.
"Appa! Food is ready?!" Her eyes sparkled looking at him.
"Uh no baby" he said as she laughed.

"Oh y/n.. I actually ordered food for us.. I messed up in the kitchen." He scratched the back of his neck.
"I- You shouldn't have done that-" Jihye cuts you off by laughing.
"Appa always does that. He doesn't know how to cook" she laughed more as you zipped your lips, trying not to laugh at Namjoon.
You miserably failed when a chuckle left your mouth followed by fits of laughter.

"Yah! Don't laugh at me!! The food will be here in no time, At Least I know how to order food" he whined as you and Jihye looked at each other before laughing once again.
"I'll be right back!" Namjoon said as you guys heard the doorbell ring. Minutes after he came back with a huge smile,
"Food is here!!!" He said as you both sat across each other on the dining table.

"Y/nie! Eat!!" Jihye said as you chuckled, nodding. You shovelled a piece of the deliciousness and hummed as your taste buds danced.
"Is it good?" He asked as you nodded.

"It's amaJin (i can't live without cracking lame jokes i am sorry?)" You said as he laughed.
"Eat more then!" He said as he took a tiny tini bite of his food..
"Ok, so I guess I should leave now." You said as he nodded.

"I know it will never be enough no matter how many times I thank you but still.. thank you so much y/n" he said as he looked at Jihye and then back at you.
"I told you it's alright.." he nodded.

"Ok then.. bye!" You said as you sat in the cab he booked for you, as namjoon and jihye waved you a bye-
"Such a good family" you sighed as it was already evening and you were going back home.
You actually enjoyed the time you spent with them.
For once you felt like you had met a family..

You got home and took a shower before heading to your bed. Oof- tomorrow will be an exhausting day for sure. You would be back to your work and college..
You scrolled through your insta and you didn't realise when you fell asleep.
It was good meeting you Jihye and.... Namjoon.

Next day,
"CE 245, please come and submit your project on behalf of your group." Your class teacher saud as you stood up from your seat and walked towards her desk.
"Here Ma'am" you placed the file Infront of her as she smiled.
"Good! I see you guys worked hard!" She patted your head and showed a thumbs up to your teammates, Albert and Ami.

"Omg! Y/n, finally the project is done!" Ami said as she hugged you, Albert just flashed a smile.
"I know right! I am actually glad that it's submitted. Now I don't have to take leaves from work." You sighed as they both nodded.
You actually took a day off from your café as you wanted to work on the project and guess it worked for you.

"So y/n, do you have any plans for today? I mean we can hang out!" Albert exclaimed as you shook your head.
"I don't have any plans but I surely have work. So i can't.." you smiled as they both whined.
"You always do that!" You shrugged, it's not like you had a choice.
"Guys... it's alright, maybe we can go out some other day." You smiled as they nodded.

"Well. Then, see you later y/n!" They said as they went away.
Another day alone.. It's like you were fed up of being alone but, you had your job and that was more important.
Much more important than your feelings.
You sighed as you flung your backpack over your shoulder and walked out of your college, heading towards your home.
You quickly did your lunch and packed some snacks for yourself so you won't have to stay hungry during work hours.

You walked into the flower shop and started arranging the flowers. Your shift here was till 5:30 so you only had two hours of work here. You placed the orchids and the daisies together.
"So y/n. Did you drop Jihye at Mr.Kim's place? He must be happy after seeing her right?" Grandma asked as you nodded smiling, you suddenly remembered his teary yet happy face after seeing his daughter safe and sound.

"He was relieved when I dropped her there. He cried so much. He surely loves her alot." You smiled remembering how he engulfed her. "Oh sure he does," she smiled.
"Y/n... it's 5:15 you can leave if you want. You know you won't have to run all the way to the café you know.." she said as you smiled and hugged her. "Thank you!" You pecked her cheeks as she laughed. You left the shop and went straight to the café.

Falling For The Single Dad | Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now