episode one

67 9 3

❛ ignore every instinct to flee. remember: you are a monster too. ❜

❝ fragile cages can't hold any beast ❞

The viewers tune in ― not that they have any choice, this show is pretty much the only thing playing on all channels ― impatiently waiting for the countdown to reach 1 and the show what they had been waiting oh so desperately for to begin. A blinding light emits from the screen as the countdown finally ends and when the viewers adjust to it, blinking once, twice, they are met with a white room, filled with twelve sleeping individuals.

The screen flashes and two beings appear on the screen, wildly different from the people sleeping on the floor because these two aren't human ― at least they don't look human. The one on the left speaks first, the shorter of the two (although, the viewers would argue there is nothing 'short' about a seven foot tall person).

"How do you want to wake them up?" Their tone held a bit too much amusement for someone who was just going to wake up people. When they weren't met with a response, they glanced at their companion and the viewers noted the similarities in their features... well, from whatever feature they could identify. Technology truly was getting so advanced, not a semblance of humanity could be observed in them. The graphics both intrigued and horrified the viewers.

But before the viewers could think any further, the one who had spoken looked directly at them ― or rather, directly at the camera. "Should I shock them? Or perhaps drowning would be a more fun option." It was then they realized that this... person was talking to them. Oh, so it was one of those interactive shows. You know, the ones in which people directly break the fourth wall, like Deadpool or Dora the Explorer.

"They're waking up by themselves," said a more gravelly voice and the viewers realized it belonged to the second one there, although by his looks you would have never guessed he had opened his mouth.

The other person frowned, pointedly at the viewers before turning to the group of people, clapping their hands to bring attention to themself.

"Welcome to Alternate Realities! This is your chance to save your planet."

** in this chapter, there will be two main chains for the contestants. the first main chain will be the contestants waking up and the narrators explaining them the situation they are in and what is happening. remember: nobody can mention that it is a tv show unless it's the narrators addressing the viewers. the rest of the contestants only feel like they're in one, they don't know that is how they're presented as. the second main chain will be the first obstacle they'll face. consider it a trial round, for the viewers to understand how the show works and for the contestants to get an idea on what to expect (which is everything, of course).

there will be a separate chain for the creators to discuss what is happening and commentate about the situation as they are also watching it live. there will be times where they might be needed to make certain changes on the spot if things don't go according to plan so stay vigilant and alert and let the show begin! :)

p. && m.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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