the contract

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( one. )
contestants are required to maintain civility throughout the show. we expect you to be on your best behavior no matter what happens between the twelve of you. any personal agenda or vendetta needs to be handled on personal time, not during showtime and no such behavior will be tolerated.

be kind to your fellow roleplayers. treat others how you'd like to be treated, hate the character not the admin — all that jazz. if anybody makes you uncomfortable, tell either of the admins and we'll figure it out. do not start drama outside of the roleplay. we don't want to hear from one of you that you are being targeted outside of the roleplay and if there are any personal issues, please solve it within yourselves and don't involve others.

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( two. )
there should be no discrimination against or within the humans. we expect all contestants to treat each other respect and dignity, this is a game and you are all teammates — your survival depends on each other. due to the nature of the show, there will be betrayals but do not let that be a way to express your discriminatory behavior.

we need diversity! we won't make faceclaims mandatory, but your ocs will need to be diverse nonetheless. the contestants are from all over the globe — if we see too many white americans/europians we will ask you to change their ethnicity. the first password is your timezone. the creators and npcs/side characters will all be aliens, so refer to AMBEDO for more information about your race!

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( three. )
all contestants are required to participate in the games. those who refuse to participate or ignore it will be punished severely by the narrators. it is beneficial for the participants to follow the rules and play as much as you can; the more screen time someone has, the less likely they are to be killed off.

please be active! do not join if you're unable to do so. you can drop out, but please let the admins know — don't just stop replying one day and ghost everyone. all ocs will be important to the plot and moving the story forward.

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( four. )
all games will have obstacles of varying difficulty, as will be ensured by the creators, so the viewers do not get bored. be prepared at all times, for anything and do not lose focus of the objective — sometimes they might not be clear, which means it is your duty to find it.

this roleplay will be taking place on discord, so please make sure you have one/make one before joining! the second password is how active you think you can be. there will be two servers: one for roleplaying and one for simply talking, sharing character thoughts etc. however, both books should be in your library — important updates will still be made on here.

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( five. )
you will have to adjust according to the game and the roles that will be give to you, you will not get to choose what role you play or what kind of person you are. a wise word of advice: do not trust anyone. the third password is how long your replies usually are. you may be teammates but there will be moments where you may have to betray someone or manipulate others. be wear of everything and everyone.

no mary/gary sues. we don't expect the planned roles to be followed to a t, but we do expect all ocs to have flaws. if we have something specific for your role, we will dm you and let you know. you have creative freedom for how you want your character to be but the character information provided with the roles should also be present as those will play a key role in the story.

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( six. )
contestants are forbidden to partake in sexual activity of any form unless a specific game or role asks for it. remember, children are watching and involved in the games.

this roleplay is mature! there will be death, violence, etc — but absolutely no sex. the fourth password: are you willing to make roles with people you don't know? if things are turning in that direction, timeskip or take it to dms... no one wants to see that.

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( seven. )
contestants must stick to the roles they are given. you cannot trade them off or ignore it and act out of character. you may take them a step forward but stray away and actions will be taken.

roles will not be first come, first serve. for contestants, we will choose who we think will play the role best — even if someone else requests a role, don't be afraid to, too! just simply put your name and the role you want beside it. from there, we will choose who will be best fit for it. don't take it personally if you don't get it, you can still make a side character or npc! the creators will be chosen based off of auditions. npcs are unlimited and free to make at whatever time — no need to request! some roles will require npcs and side characters so please collaborate with each other and make your characters fun and interesting. remember: this roleplay is all about moral ambiguity and how it affects normal people.

failure to follow the contract means immediate, severe punishment or even termination. the final password is to tag 3 active roleplayers. 

good luck! hope you survive.


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p. && m.

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