neighbourhood run-down

Start from the beginning

as punz opened his door, dream turned back to see george once again occupying the step in front of his house, and he had to hold back an annoyed grunt.

george flicked his lighter back on, watching as the warm tones dance freely before flicking it back off, the flame disappearing completely- isn't it cool how that works.

the brit looked up to see dream and punz going into a house- which he vaguely recalled to be punz's.

his attention was then redirected to the left at the slam of a door, smiling when he saw sapnap coming out his house.

"hi george," the ravenette greeted as he walked over, "how you doin'?"

"i'm good," george replied, dropping his lighter onto the porch, "what're you up to?"

"i'm just going over to karl's," sapnap answered.

"karl's?" george questioned, unfamiliar with the name - he would feel awful if he'd forgotten someone he'd just met.

"oh, you haven't met karl," the ravenette quickly explained, gesturing over the road "he lives right opposite you."

"i thought that was where quackity lived?" the brit wondered out loud, confusion evident.

"oh, no, that's karl's. q is just there a lot."

"nice, are they dating?" george questioned, eyes fixed intensely on the opposing house.

"why?" sapnap asked quickly. "would there be something wrong with that?" he quizzed defensively. he never meant to come off so harsh, but so many people have said things to him about his dads that it was a natural response now.

"wh- no," george laughed wholeheartedly, "i'm gay."

sapnap felt relieved. stupid, and admittedly embarrassed, but still relieved.

"oh okay, good. and no, they're like brothers. annoyingly inseparable brothers."

"is there anyone else i'm yet to meet?" george asked, nodding his head towards the other houses.

"well," sapnap started, taking a seat next to george, "i obviously live to your left with ella and my parents. the couple on your right are middle-aged and spend most of their time at their house in germany, so you don't particularly need to know about them," he explained.

"the house on the corner is punz's right? i met him and his sister a few nights ago."

"yeah, so they live there with their nan," he filled in, pointing to the houses as he spoke, "and then the next house up is ranboo, holly, and their parents."

"i'm not sure i know them," george admitted, staring at the house as though it would answer his questions.

"i doubt it," sapnap confirmed, "they're twins a few years younger than us. they hang out with karl and dream's younger brothers."

"and dream lives over there, right?" george asked, pointing to the house he remembered the blond coming out from the other night.

"yeah, with his younger brother tommy and their parents. his dad owns a company with mine."

"oh, that's cool, so are you guys close then?" george asked, looking back to see sapnap's disgusted expression.

"no, no, no, we aren't really friends with dream or punz, they're like the stereotypical high school jocks and we're normal people so there's a bit of a clash."

"but aren't quackity and punz friends?" the brunette questioned, remembering the pair's easy interactions.

"yeah, those two are the only exceptions, the rest of us don't get along."

george nodded slowly - he supposed that made sense.

"next to dream and across from me is a guy called ted and his toddler charlie, but honestly i can't remember the last time i spoke to them. for all i know charlie's a fully grown man now," he joked. "and then finally, opposite you is karl's family, which is him, his dad, and his brothers callahan and tubbo," he finished before quickly adding, "their names aren't actually calla and tubbo but they don't like going by their birth names for personal reasons."

george hummed understandingly, looking around the neighbourhood and trying to remember everything he'd just been told. "so where does quackity live?"

"he's just around the corner," sapnap explained. "past a bunch of irrelevant people," he laughed, standing up. "if you want i could ask karl if you can come round."

"no it's fine, my mum's about to call me in to phone my dad," george replied with an uninterested shrug.


i have painted my nails ranboo colours and they're so swag

i <3 you


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