¹.² Discovery

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"Help us."

Nat's POV
HYDRA Base, Sokovia

What the hell? Why does that girl look so familiar? And why does she need help?

"We've got three Enhanced Individuals against us, two in the building one on the field." Clint says through the comms.

"Nat, is everything alright?" Says Steve "Hmm? Oh yeah." I say shaking my head slightly. "All good." "You sure?" "That girl, the brunette, she looks familiar. Like I've seen her in a dream. And she apparently needs our help, so aim to incapacitate not kill." I respond. "Yes ma'am. I will let the others know" Steve says. I nod and he runs off.

I start to keep a close eye on the girl as I take down the agents. It seems like she is making it look like she is trying to heal the HYDRA agents, and she is doing a pretty good job, but to my trained eye I can tell she is actually snapping the necks of any that aren't dead yet.


Nat's POV

We are back on the jet after finishing the mission and we are all tending to wounds, chatting, or resting. As Tony comes back from plotting the flight path I realize why that girl looked so familiar. "Tony?" I call "What?" "Do you have a daughter?" "Uh yeah I think so." "Do you know her name?" "Yeah, Elisabeth Stark, why?" "How old is she?" "I think she'd be 17 or 18 now. Again why?" "Hey Tony?" "Yes??" "I think I found your daughter, and I think she needs our help."

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