occupying the curb

Start from the beginning

a door behind them shut and george turned back to see a shirtless boy walking over, wearing only what looked to be pyjama trousers.

george didn't even question it: despite it being midnight it was definitely still warm enough not to wear a shirt, and the neighbourhood seemed quite closed off with no cars or people passing through.

he turned back to face his own house, mindlessly taking drags of the cigarette and paying no attention to the shirtless blond.

punz took note of george's disinterred towards his friend, smirking playfully at dream as he made his way over.

"nice to meet you," he greeted, receiving a small smile from the brit, "i'm dream."

"george," he replied simply, taking another inhale of the tobacco.

"dream isn't my actual name though," he pointed out, eliciting a small laugh from punz.

george looked up at the blond, looking over to quackity for a moment before turning back to dream. "uh... cool?" he muttered, genuinely unsure of how he was supposed to respond to that.

punz playfully rolls his eyes at his best friend's attempt at an enticing introduction, passing him the joint.

"did you come out in a rush, dream?" quackity jeered up to the blonde, "you forgot a shirt."

"ha ha, very funny alex," he spat sarcastically before turning his attention back to punz. "so, the football play we did..." he started.

quackity turned to george, pretending to yawn at the blonde's conversation and earning a small giggle from the brit.

after a few more minutes, george dropped his cigarette to the floor, letting it burn out as he got out another.

"callahan's coming in a minute."

george looked up to see a light-haired girl walking over in a cropped top and a pair of shorts. as she reached the group, punz gestured to george, "alyssa, this is george, he's just moved in. george, this is my sister alyssa."

she knelt down in front of the boys on the curb, getting equipment out of the bag to roll a new joint and smiling up at george, "nice to meet you."

"you too," he chirped, turning at the sound of yet another door shutting.

a very tall boy turned towards them. he was skinny but by far the tallest in the group and george, using his amazing deduction skills, worked out that this must be 'callahan'.

"ayy calla," dream almost cheered, and george had to hold back a grimace at the energetic attitude.

"you alright, coach?" punz greeted with a laugh, receiving a nod from the tall brunette.

"calla, this is george," quackity introduced, shifting to face the brit, "callahan is like the neighbourhood's big brother but he won't talk to you if he doesn't like you."

george looked up to see callahan roll his eyes before alyssa spoke. "ignore him george, calla's mute," she explained.

"ah, i see," george smiled, holding a hand up to the brunette, "nice to meet you."

callahan shook his hand- for such a skinny guy, he had a surprisingly firm grip.

"callahan coaches our football team," dream told the brit, "we're top of the league."

"oh uh, nice," george replied, trying his hardest to sound interested. "i think imma head home, it was nice to meet you all," he smiled as he dismissed himself, dropping his second cig and waving to the group as he made his way back across to the house.

the second he disappeared through the door, alyssa looked up to dream, passing calla her joint in the process. "that was such an embarrassing attempt at trying to impress someone, dre," she laughed.

"that's what i was thinking," quackity agreed, receiving a glare from the blonde.

"who even are you?" dream spat down to ravenette, passing punz his joint before heading back to his own home.

the real-life rage quit just made alyssa and quackity laugh harder, receiving an eye roll from punz at their childishness.

however, their banter didn't last long before karl came out of his house.

"c'mon q," he muttered tiredly, practically pulling the shorter boy up from the floor, "let's get you home."

quackity said his 'goodbye's to the group before following karl up to the house. "why'd you come get me?" he asked, not spitefully, just out of genuine curiosity.

"you were being really loud," karl replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and leading quackity up to his room.

the brunette quietly shut the door, watching as quackity sluggishly dropped onto his bed.

"how much have you done?" karl questioned, getting out one of his hoodies for his friend to wear.

"just like weed and stuff."

karl turned towards the bed, meeting blood-shot eyes from across the room, "and stuff?"

"nothing bad," quackity dismissed with the wave of his hand, dragging out his vowels, "i'm fine, karl."

the taller boy sighed to himself, passing the hoodie to the other. "can you at least sleep in here tonight, instead of the couch?" he pleaded, "just so i can watch you."

quackity nodded, swapping out his shirt and crawling under the blankets, immediately cuddling up to karl's body heat when he joined him in the bed.


i got new headphones today, very happy.

i love you reader!


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