karl sighed to himself, absentmindedly looking down at the sad remains of their lunch. "okay fine, if you're sure."

quackity was usually a god at reading karl's emotions, but at this moment he seemed to be unintentionally ignorant of his best friend's clear reluctance.

"i can't believe you talk to that cow," sapnap insulted, shaking his head slightly.

"punz isn't that bad if you get to know him," the shorter boy defended, readjusting his cap.

karl's eye roll almost went unnoticed by sapnap. almost.

"you only say that because he gives you drugs," the lighter brunette scoffed.

"yeah, fair enough," quackity laughed, pushing out of his seat, "i'm gonna go refill my coke, brb."

sapnap knew that karl wasn't against quackity's substance usage -the older boy wasn't exactly clean himself- so he could only assume something else about the situation bothered him.

"you know you can always call me if you need help with him at nights," sapnap offered, pouting at his friend's half-hearted shrug.

"it's fine, i'm used to it now."

sapnap nodded, letting the topic slip as quackity returned to the table but making a mental reminder to bring it up privately another time.

eventually, the group made their way out the diner, taking the short walk home.

quackity hit sapnap's arm, getting the ravenette's attention as he gestured across the road. "look, your new neighbours are moving in," he pointed out, squinting to look at a dark-haired man hauling a box out of a large van, "he's hot."

sapnap gazed at the pair of men. "they're not my neighbours idiot, they're the furniture moving guys," he laughed, "i'm pretty sure the neighbours aren't here for a few more days."

"he's still hot," karl shrugged, gently pulling open his front door.

"maybe to you guys, but sadly i can't agree if he hasn't got a pussy," sapnap pointed out, pretending to be disappointed.

"ugh, sometimes i forget you're boring," quackity joked, walking past karl into the house.

"awe, thanks q," the ravenette smiled sarcastically, waving to the pair before crossing the road over to his own home.

the other two carefully closed the front door, pleasantly welcomed by the cool breeze of the air conditioning- a nice temperature in comparison to the relentless heat outside.

karl's dad came out of the kitchen, wet bowl and dishcloth in hand, "isn't sap coming round?"

"nah, he's going out for a family barbeque this evening," karl answered, pushing off his trainers.

"i thought you guys just went out to go get pizza?" the older man questioned, using the back of his wrist to push his cap down slightly.

"i don't think he's fond of the food they're cooking for the barbeque," quackity explained.

schlatt nodded understandingly, "that's fair enough."

he turned to disappear into the kitchen before being called back by a quiet voice.

"da-dad," tubbo started, stopping halfway down the stairs when he spotted his father in the hallway, "can m-my friends come round?"

schlatt hummed to himself, pretending to think about it for a moment. "normally i'd say no because they're loud and annoying, but as it's the first day of summer i suppose it's okay," he agreed with a smile, "just stay out of your brothers' way."

tubbo nodded happily, taking the headset off his neck and settling it back over his ears, "d-did you hear that?" he asked, turning to head back up the stairs, "i'm s-sure he was slash j-jay about the annoying thing."

"i wasn't!" schlatt called up the stairs, eliciting small laughs from both quackity and karl.


to say i'm excited about this book is a huge understatement.

thoughts? theories?

i love you!!


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