Confessions - Quackbur

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two posts in a day?!?!???😱😱😱
taken from rp me and a friend did but added pazaz instead of just talking😍😍

[ Fluff Angst-ish kinda thingy? Idk
Currently slaying and this ones kinda short


"Thank you, Wilbur." Quackity spoke and turned his head down to the floor, almost hesitating to speak once more.
"Well," He began, "What i had wanted to say was... I really enjoy spending time with you. And I think I had forced myself to try and hate it, but after that conversation, I think something clicked." He took a deep breath.

"Like what..?" Wilbur said, almost scared for the outcome. Quackity had told him that what he wanted to say was good news, but that little bit of doubt hung over him still.

"Like the Visit, everything, just clicked. It all felt.. different, in a way. And— and i think that's what helped me with all of this." Quackity stared at the rough grey carpet of his office, not wanting to say anymore, but he had to get this over and done with.

"And, if by now, you can't tell what I'm inquiring," He looked up, "I like you, Wilbur. I really do."

A soft smile proposed itself onto Wilburs face. "I do too, but I'm sure you already know that." He joked.

Quackity chuckled before becoming more serious.
"And, I just wanted to say that i'm sorry i acted like a hated you. Even if you did drive me mad sometimes I wish i could've seen that you reciprocated that feeling instead of pushing it aside and being an absolute prick to you. Not know it would make you spiral. In a bad way." He spoke fluently, like he'd been bottling this up for ages like a secret he'd never wanted to release until now.

The others smile never left his face as he stepped closer. His brown boots making a slight dent in the carpet. "Its okay," He said softly, "I know I can be a lot and I know I don't always do things the right way, but honestly that's because i wanted your attention. Yeah, i did make me feel worse afterwards but it's worth seeing you again. It was worth hearing your voice and that angry tone i'd got used too."
Wilbur stopped talking and put a hand on Quackitys shoulder. The touch almost leaving Quackity to explode.

He continued, "And as much as i hated the fights and bickering, I still loved you and that made it bearable."

The smaller figures face dropped slightly.
"I'm.. so so sorry," He whispered, "I really like you, you could go to lengths to say I love you, but that would be stupid."

Wilburs hand dropped from his shoulder. He seemed confused, "Why would that be stupid? Do you me?" He said sternly. It was quite obvious he was also sad, too.

Hearing those words come out of Wilburs mouth left Quackity in a state of panic. Without thinking he rambled: "No, no! I do! I just, find love a stupid word, you know? From all the shitty relationships i've been in the word love just seems like a lie. But yeah, i do.." He paused for a moment, "Love you. If that could even describe how i feel."

Wilbur pulled Quackity into a tight embrace, hugging him like he was about to die in 5 seconds.
"That's okay," He finally said, pulling away from the contact, "We can come up with our own word for love. Like... broop!"

Quackity let out a small laugh at the name given. "Broop? What kind of fucking name is broop?! Is this your attempt at comforting me," Wilbur chuckled at Quackitys response.

"Mr. Quackity, I broop you." He cheered proudly, all Quackity could reply with was a simple: "Oh my god."

"Say it back," Wilbur demanded playfully, elbowing the others shoulder.

"Okay, okay," He breathed, looking up at the taller one, "Wilbur, i broop you."

Both break into fits of laughter, Quackity, with two hands on the person infront of hims shoulders, wheezing like a dead bird.

"I guess you could say we're in broop," Wilbur let out amidst laughs.

"Yep," Quackity replied, calming himself down and looking back up from the floor.

"I'd like that, I'd like that a lot." Wilbur smiled.

"Me too."


709 words, actually kinda proud of this
once again the dialog was taken by a rp i did with tw1tchy , so credits to them!!

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