Bonus Chapter Part 6

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Laura: Thank you for allowing me a moment to cleanse the vessels.

Ash and Laura are now in Belrose Mansion, they have managed to change the interior so that there are a lot more plants inside, even though Charlotte and Saphira are against it, but they decide to respect her.

Laura: I hope it was to your liking. This particular blend was with rose and matcha, with a garnish of cornflower and stargazer lily. I have been working on several other blends, but I believe they're not quite ready to sample just yet. I'd like to continue tweaking the proportions to bring out as much of the flavor as possible.

Ash: To be honest, you are really good at doing this kind of stuff.

Laura: I do find the whole affair suits me quite well though. It was Bennett's suggestion that I perhaps pursue this as an additional hobby. After all, the act of powdering and mixing each of the different components is a rather delicate process. To be honest, I find it quite relaxing. What's more, it provides a use for the flowers I've already been growing. I'm quite confident that, at least on the basis of ingredients alone, one couldn't do better. I have a great and increasing appreciation for the philosophy behind ceremonial tea serving as well. The emphasis on purification was my initial draw, but to understand the tea as an experience... from seed to blossom, and petal to cup, no trace is left of the tea we've just enjoyed. Yet, the time we shared with each other is unquestionable and eternal. That will stay with us forever. I truly believe that if only we could all learn to show the same respect and appreciation to each other as we can take for the quiet moments... Well, 'world peace' is perhaps a bit juvenile, but can you imagine where we could go?

Ash: I guess so.

Laura: I'll be inviting my sisters for this in a few days as well. Charlotte swears by coffee, but I believe with the right blend, I can convert her...

Ash gives a wry smile as he just hopes that Charlotte is going to be fine after this.


Ash: I really can't believe you are willing to do this.

Ash and Lillie are now in the Grand Hall's Ame's secret room, inside there are 20 Alolan Vulpix who are going to rest after running around the Grand Hall. Ash is also wearing the Fairy-Type outfit for this.

Lillie: Even though they might cause some trouble for employees here with their Snow Warning ability, thanks to Snowy, she seems to be the big sister of these Vulpix and they are willing to listen to her.

Ash: I know what you mean, I was also surprised that you'll pick Fairy Type instead of Ice Type.

Lillie: Maybe I can do both, just like Anna or Heather. (Notices a room) And what is this room?

As they press the button, they find themselves in a room called SEEKIT Room. They also find some people who are working there, and one of them is Cass.

Cass: Yo. It is SO nice to be able to ignore grammar rules for once. Rules are the worst. So what are you in for?

Ash: So this is where you have been working when you're not at the Night Club?

Cass: Yeah. And by the way, if you want to talk to Ame, I can also call out to her.

Ash and Lillie are surprised that Cass changes herself to Ame.

Ame: O-oh? Uh, hi there! Didn't expect to come back into this world like this, but okay! Don't worry, I'm still dead in canon. Well, I was looking forward to putting in a secret room like this for so long and now I barely know what to say. In spite of that, I tend to talk a lot, so I'll probably say too much here anyway.

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