Matched with the high lord of Day part 1

Start from the beginning

"Am I that bad of a dancer?"

"No, I'm not rolling my eyes at you. My friend is just teasing me."

He chuckled. "I see." He spun you around and brought you back into the waltz. "I don't believe I got your name."


"It's lovely to make your acquaintance, Y/N."

"I feel the same."

The dance went on for another minute or so before the orchestra finished the song and Helion was swarmed with people before you even pulled apart. You could feel his breath on your ear as he got in close. "Come find me later." He whispered. "I'd like to continue our chat Y/n."

You shivered at the way your name sounded on his lips, all you could manage was a nod before Iris pulled you from the fray. "I cannot believe you snagged the first dance of the party with The High lord himself. I'm impressed."

"I'm sure he'd dance with you if you asked."

"Of course he would, but it's the fact that you got the first dance of the night with him."

You stopped at the drinks table and she handed you a glass. "Tell me, what did you talk about?"

"Nothing all that riveting."

"Oh come on, you didn't talk about anything spicy."

"No!" You laughed in disbelief.

"The long game. I like it."

"I am not playing any game, I've spoken to him for maybe ten minutes in total."

"I've gotten people in my bed faster than that."

"Because that was what you were trying to do."

"You seriously didn't talk about anything exciting?"


"Well if you do, let me know. I saw him whispering to you."

The night seemed to fly by after that, and soon enough you found yourself wandering the gardens of the estate for a change of pace.

You found Helion on a swing set in a secluded corner. He just smiled at you. "It seems the fates have brought us together again, Y/n. I was hoping they would."

"I just think we had the same idea."

"What's that?"

"A change of scenery and sons fresh air."

"You aren't wrong there, as fun at parties are, they get a bit stale after a while. Especially when you're my age."

"Why do you keep throwing them then?"

"I like when the city comes alive for celebrations, it reminds me that the war is over. We may not have peace all of the time, but we're allowed to let our guards down every now and then."

You sat beside him. "These gardens are beautiful."

"You think so? Sometimes I wish I had more staff to look after them, it's too much ground to cover for the few people I do have. I say that all the time and yet haven't taken the necessary steps to follow through."

"I sort of understand that, you have a lot to do as High Lord, so the smaller tasks get shoved aside. I mean unless of course you're just a chronic procrastinator and put everything off."

He threw his head back and his laugh echoed throughout the courtyard. "I know the townsfolk say that, but truly I'm swamped with funding and building proposals all the time from people all over the city-"

He paused. "Gods, now I sound like the nobles droning on about their ventures. When did I get so boring?"

"I don't think you're boring, but you may need a vacation."

"Easier said than done. I'm afraid spontaneity goes out the window when one takes up a mantle like mine."

"So reflective tonight." You teased, lightly.

"I'm not allowed to be most of the time, but you won't use it against me, at least I hope you won't."

You looked down at your hands. "I don't have any influence anywhere, you're fine."

"You could gain influence."

"Of course I could, but that would require mating to someone of higher status and that's not up to me."

"You have more say than you think." Helion said.

"We'll see, I suppose."

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