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Once the moment was past, Loki told him. "There's more you need to know."

"Okay," Harry said nervously.

"I did some catching up with the world last night after you were in bed and it seems that, because of what happened that night, you're famous."

"Famous? Why?" Harry asked confused.

"Because somehow the public came to believe that you were the one that killed the dark lord."

"But I was just a baby. How could I have done anything?" Harry asked incredulously.

"I don't know what they were thinking. I suppose since your mum and I were both supposedly dead, that only left you, but it would still be more likely to believe that one of us used our last breath to kill him or that we wounded him badly enough that he died or even some protection that we put on you that backfired on him. It doesn't make sense for them to believe that you did something. There are a lot of things about this whole mess that don't make sense, but I intend to get to the bottom of it."

"What else doesn't make sense?"

Loki considered whether to say anything, but realized that he would learn all of this soon enough anyway so he might as well. "The fact that both of your godparents were also taken out of the picture. Your godmother was attacked a few days later and has been essentially in a coma ever since along with her husband. Your godfather was arrested and thrown in jail without a trial for something he didn't do. Then you were placed in the last place you should ever have gone. Putting a magical child in the muggle world is just not done even if everyone didn't already know how much your aunt hated your mother. Muggleborns don't count obviously since they're born in that world, but you weren't. More than that, you're the heir to a noble family, the Potters. You have social responsibilities and expectations because of that which you should have been raised with. Even with you being placed in the muggle world, you still should have been visited by wizarding child services regularly, which clearly wasn't done."

"Yeah, that's a lot," Harry said chewing on his lip as he thought it over. "It's all related to me. You think someone's trying to hurt me?"

"I don't know. It could be coincidence. Just the fact that I know all the people involved so well and there could be just as many strange things with other people that I just don't know about. But I'm still going to be looking into it. And if you notice anything strange or bad, I need you to tell me so that I can take care of it or at least get more clues, okay?"

"Okay. I will," Harry nodded. Normally he'd try to keep things to himself and handle it on his own rather than running to an adult over every little thing, but this was bigger than that. Much bigger than he could manage and he was glad he had his dad on his side trying to figure it out. And even more glad that he wasn't being kept in the dark. It let him know what kinds of things to watch out for at the very least.

"That means that for the rest of the summer, if we go out, we'll be in disguise," Loki told him.

"Like when we go shopping? Or will we have to wait on that?" Harry asked.

"No we will definitely go shopping. I'm hoping to wait for your Hogwarts letter first though so we can do it all at once."

"Hogwarts letter? That's the school you said you and mum went to right?"

"That's the one. It should be here in another day or two and it'll have your supply and book list," Loki told him.

"And...it's a boarding school?" Harry asked tentatively.

"It is, unfortunately," Loki sighed.

"What if I don't want to go?"

"Then I won't make you," Loki promised. "But all kids your age go, so you'll be pretty lonely if you don't. Plus it'll just make the gossip about you even worse and all kinds of crazy stories will go around about where you are and why you didn't go."

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