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Loki spent an hour going over the financials, glad to see that it was all in order and there hadn't been any malfeasance in his absence. He was just finishing that up when there was a very timid knock on the door so he went to open it. He knew that Harry would be curious about the 'forbidden room', even if he wouldn't dare ask yet, so he invited him in to get a look while he 'finished up' which just involved putting the papers back into the folder and putting it in the drawer before turning his attention to his son. "Well would you look at that. There really was a boy under all the dirt," he teased playfully, glad when it got a giggle from the boy rather than offending him. It really could have gone either way, but better that he get used to Loki's general personality from the off. "Now, we have about an hour until dinner, so what say we take a nice walk outside and I can show you the grounds and then we can tour the house after dinner," he suggested, getting another nod.

As they headed down the stairs, Loki decided to try and help him feel more at ease. At least enough to start talking. He realized that Harry was mostly worried about doing the wrong thing and getting in trouble for it. At least that was his best guess with the kid not talking to him. "I think we should probably go over the rules, yeah?" Let him know what actually /would/ get him in trouble. He almost told him that he wouldn't be in trouble unless he did something really bad, but then realized that it was likely that he had no idea what would qualify as bad.

"Please," Harry said relieved.

"We've already gone over one of the big ones which is to treat the elves with respect. Ask them to do things, sure. That's what they're there for, but do so politely. Like you saw me do," Loki said giving him an example. "Also, treat me with respect. You don't always have to agree with me. If I tell you something that you disagree with, you're welcome to say so and we can talk about it. As long as you do so politely and then accept my final word after the discussion where appropriate. You're always entitled to your feelings, even if you still disagree though. Understand?"

"I...think so?" Harry said, not really sure what to make of the whole being able to argue and have his own opinion thing.

"We'll work on that," Loki promised, knowing that it would take time before he was comfortable with such things. "Other rules, you're not to go into the paddock, greenhouses, or potions lab without supervision, by me for now. In time, once you have basic safety understood we may relax that so that the elves can supervise you in my stead. You're to be inside the manor by the time it gets dark and not leave the grounds without permission from me. My rooms and my study you knock before entering unless it's an emergency. Otherwise, you're welcome to play and explore anywhere in the house and grounds."

"Horses!" Harry saw as he stopped in his tracks watching them.

"Abraxan actually. See the wings? I'll teach you to ride them soon. If you want to." Harry nodded emphatically as they walked up to the fence and pet the ones who came close.

"Don't they fly away?" Harry asked curiously as he got a good look at the wings.

"They can and do fly around the area, but there is a tether ward on the paddock that makes them come back and they can't come close to the ground anywhere else unless they're being led by one of us or the elves," Loki explained. When Harry didn't seem to have any other questions, Loki got back to the rules issue. "Another thing I expect from you, is to tell me when you need something. Come get me or send Mopsy to get me if you get hurt or have a nightmare or anything else."

"I wouldn't want to wake you up," Harry said nervously. That was one of the things he got in the most trouble for.

Loki knelt again and turned Harry to face him, wanting this to be completely clear. "Harry. You are the most important thing in the world to me. The idea of you hurting or scared and me not being there is /far/ worse than any inconvenience of being woken up. I /want/ to be there for you. To help you. Even if all I can do is hug you and dry your tears." He got to demonstrate that as the response was very much like their first meeting with Harry jumping into his arms in tears. Loki hugged him tightly, pressing a kiss to his head as his fingers ran through his hair. "I want you to know that you can talk to me, Harry. About anything. Your time with your relatives, how they treated you, how that made you feel, any fears or concerns you have about the future. Anything. I will never hit you. I will never lock you away. I will never withhold meals, though dessert I do reserve the right to withhold as a punishment. I will never hurt you or allow anyone else to hurt you. No matter if you break the rules or not."

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