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(Suga's POV)

Daichi's face suddenly turns solemn, serious. "I need to tell you something. There's something in the back of his eye that tells me that he's afraid. Afraid of what? Of me? He's very anxious, but he is clearly trying to stay calm. "What is it?" I ask. That sentence could be received as either casual, or like a worried sympathetic response, depending on what he wants to ask, and which response his brain thinks would be appropriate for what he's asking.

"Well.. I'm not really sure how to say this to be honest."

"Say what?" What could he want to ask/tell me that he wouldn't know how to put into words?

"Well.." he thinks for a minute. "I don't want this to sound super sappy or anything but-" he thinks again.

He doesn't want it to sound sappy? Sappy about what? I think back to all the times I'd spent with Daichi over the years. The sleepovers, the late night-project-scrambles, the birthday parties, the hugs, the.. Funerals. I remember how I always feel safe and loved around him, and how I get this fluttery feeling in my stomach whenever we meet, or when our hands casually brush together. His big smiles when we played volleyball together, him making a huge mess in the kitchen when we baked together, holding his hand on roller coasters, taking care of me when I get migraines, and his excited puppy-like look when he makes a successful spike.

I remember the day I realized I was in love with Daichi vividly:


It was the last day of school, after all our classes had finished and the third years had their graduation ceremony. Daichi, Asahi and I had made plans to go have a celebration for the end of the year, but Asahi couldn't come because he had prior plans with his family. So, Daichi and I were left alone. We laid down the picnic blanket, and unpacked all the food out of the basket we brought. The sun was shining bright in the sky, and it shone through little holes in the tree leaves, making patterns in the ground.

After we had eaten, we climbed a tree so we could see the scenery better. The water glittered on the coast, and the salty air blew in our faces from so high up. We found a perfect branch to sit in, that had a little window of leaves so we could look through to see the mountains and the coast. It was like a tree house. After a few hours sitting in the tree, we climbed down and sat back on our blanket because we were hungry again. "Hey Suga," Daichi calls. I look over, and he takes a picture of my face. "Daichi!" I throw a leaf at him and he laughs. "Let's take a picture, it's a beautiful day!" So we did, and used some sticks as a tripod, and took a picture. That's how the picture that I painted was born, actually. Daichi hugged me for one of the poses for a picture, and butterflies swarmed my stomach. My heartbeat was going so fast, I thought it would catch fire. His phone fell off the make-shift tripod and he pulled away from the hug to go get it, and for a split second, we made eye contact, and the sun illuminated his irises, giving them the orange-golden glow of the afternoon.

*end flashback*

The events of that day probably weren't the reason I fell in love with him, but they were the reason I found out. It's kind of a lame story, but what can you do?


(Daichi's POV)

Suga's honey colored eyes stare back at me in confusion. Snow starts to fall all around us, and the cold makes Suga's nose and the tips of his ears turn red. How cute. Little fluffy snowflakes get stuck in his eyelashes. His baby blue scarf compliments his fluffy silver hair and honey-golden brown eyes. He looks like an angel.

But then it sinks in:

He could say no.

I can't bear the mere thought of him not reciprocating my feelings, I think i'd just die.

What if.. He actually says no?

Would we still talk?

Would we still be friends?

Would we still be happy?

Would he.. Hate me?

Even beyond what would happen to me or him, what about the rest of the team?? What about Asahi, Noya or Kiyoko? Our friendship would grow awkward and uncomfortable. I can't have that!

But I also can't shy away from this. If he says no, I'll just leave, it'll be hard for me, maybe but it would be the best for Suga and the rest of the team, too. Sure, it would probably send me into a depressive spiral, but I can handle it, and it would hurt more to be around someone I love so much, who doesn't love me back.

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. Koshi waits very patiently and respectfully. I look away sharply, which seems to confuse him because he looks directly at where i'm looking; the ground, with all the snow. I look back up at him, and we make eye contact again.

I'm not going to chicken out again!

"Oh, fuck it-" I mutter. "Koshi-" I take his hand and squeeze it. He squeezes back. "Koshi, I love you."

I search for any kind of reaction in his face. For a split second, his eyes flicker.

Next thing I know, he's wrapped his arms around my neck, and kissing me. He squeezes my hand when he pulls away, and smiles.


(Suga's POV)

"So was that a yes or a no?" Daichi asks jokingly. "You dork!" I play-slap him and shout. He chuckles. "I love you too, Daichi." Daichi gives me one of his big warm hugs, and we just melt into it together for a few minutes. He ruffles my hair affectionately and I get butterflies again. But, hey! I spent a long time trying to fix my hair this morning!

I pull away, reach down and pick up a clump of snow from the ground, and throw it at him. "Suga!" he yells, and jumps off the bench to get himself a snowball. He throws it, and misses. "You call that a throw?!" "I'd like to see you do better!" He yells back. "I will!" I make a huge snowball and hit him square in the chest, and he falls to the ground. "Daichi??"



I run over to him and sit by his side. "Daichi!" then he grabs my wrist with this iron grip and he shoves snow in my face! "DAICHI!" I scream. "I can't believe you!!" he laughs again. "So mean.." I look around and pin one of his wrists to the ground and grab and fistfull of snow in the other. The absolute terror in his face shows when I look down at him right about to throw the snow; so I squish it into his hair. He mocks being offended and gasps. "Koshi! How dare you!" I run away, to gather more snow. Daichi runs up from behind me and picks me up like a cat and hugs me tight while spinning around. "Daichi, what are you doing!?" I laugh. He puts me down, kisses me on the cheek, and runs away yelling, "Bet you can't catch me!"

He clearly doesn't remember how fast I can run. I follow him around the park and then he slips on a patch of ice near a street lamp pole thingy. He lands with a loud thump. "Are you okay?" I extend a hand for him to take, which he does and says, "Yeah, I'm ok." "Alright."

"Race you home!" I yell. "Oh, you're on!"

(A/N: Sorry it's kind of a short chapter- anywayss- it's currently 12:15 am so, I'm going to go to bed, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Stay safe everyone! <3)

Honey & Silverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें