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A few minutes (and loud crashes) later, Suga emerges from his room, and ushers me in.I sit down on the bed and swing my legs like an eager toddler. "So," I start in a sing-song voice."What did you get me for my birthday?" He rolls his eyes. "Like I would tell you." "Is it special?" "Depends on what you think is special." Sugawara Koshi, always the master of evading questions. "You're known me for almost my whole life, what do you think? Would I find it special?" "I don't know." "Changing the subject.. Yui gave her girlfriend a promise ring!" Suga's eyes light up immediately. "Really! What did she say?!" "I'm not sure but I think she accepted it. Yui didn't really seem to want to answer my questions if you know what I mean." I raise my eyebrows suggestively. "KOSHI!" He laughs. "What? It's probably true!" I laugh with him. "You know Suga, you don't seem as tired as you were earlier." I notice. "Well-yeah. I have to watch my brother and I can't do that properly when I'm half asleep! I'd surely mess something up and I could end up hurting him or myself. Plus, I got a little bit of sleep in study hall. Some girl saw me falling asleep and offered to cover me up with her giant stack of books so the teacher wouldn't notice." "That's nice of her." "Yeah. but also.. I feel kinda– idk energized when i'm around you." I look down at him. His eyes soften as he smiles slightly. His eyes resemble a swirling sweet honey color. It's deep, golden, and has some kind of earthiness in it like some tiny-barely-visible-hint of green.


(Suga's POV)

"So, would you like to stay for dinner, Daichi?" "Yeah sure, but wouldn't you want to check with your parents first?" "Nah they're going on a date tonight." "'kay cool. I'll tell my mom."

About thirty minutes later, I look at the clock. "Crap! It's 5:45! I need to start making dinner." I leap from my place on the bed and walk downstairs with Daichi in tow. Kiyoshi and Kuriko are sitting on opposite sides of the living room, doing their homework. "Hey is Kuriko-san staying for dinner?" "Yeah." She replies. "Do you guys have any ideas for dinner?" "Um, yeah I do actually." Kiyoshi puts his homework down on his lap. "How about we go to a restaurant for dinner?" "I guess but do you really expect me to be able to pay for dinner for four people? I don't even have a job!" "I can pay for half, you pay for half." Daichi pipes in. "I couldn't possibly-" "Alright, It's decided." Daichi interrupts me. "Okay, fine but where are we going?" "we could go to Sobano Kanda Toichiya." Kuriko suggests. (I literally just looked up 'good inexpensive restaurants in Miyagi' lmao) "Alright, everyone in the car." I grab the keys and we all file into the car. "I didn't know you had a car, Suga." Daichi says. "I don't; this is my dad's car. They both went on their date in mom's car." "Oh, that makes sense."


(Daichi's POV)

After we got on to the main road, I started to notice that Suga is kind of a reckless driver. He's not bad– he's actually very good but he's fast, and swift with his movements which I didn't expect from him. Throughout the whole ride, nobody said anything at all, which was starting to creep me out, and it was not helping me feel any less awkward, so I turned on the radio. (Okay, don't come for me, i'm just a dumb American but I really don't feel like doing a ton of research to figure out what suga's music taste would be, since I know like, nothing about japanese music so.. Idk i'm just gonna go off of what I think would fit best here)

Once the radio ads stop, Suga starts singing along with the song. "There ain't no gold in this river, that i've been washing my hands in forever~" his voice is absolutely angelic. Even Kuriko looks up from her phone. "I know there is hope, in these waters, but I can't bring myself to swim when I am drowning in this silence, baby let me in!" He harmonizes with the singer's voice perfectly. "I didn't know you knew this song." I say. "Well, yeah I do. You expect me to spend more than two minutes in Oikawa's near vicinity and not?" he chuckles.


(Suga's POV)

Soon enough, we get to the restaurant and we're seated at our table. After we order our drinks, Kuriko gets a call. "Hey mom! What's up?" Her face immediately falls. "Oh, no. okay, i'll be right there! Bye." she hangs up and starts picking up her things. "Where are you going?" Daichi asks worridley. "Oh, I need to get home." "By yourself?" "Yeah, the train station isn't too far away.." "No, I'm going to drive you. It isn't safe at this time of night." "Oh-okay." she says. Daichi grabs the keys from off the table and walks out of the restaurant.

A few minutes after Daichi leaves, the waiter comes by and asks if we're ready to order. "Oh, i'm sorry sir but my friend had to step out for a few minutes but he'll be back soon. Would it be possible to wait?" "Oh, certainly." and then he walks away and takes orders from another table. "So, Kiyoshi, what do you think you're gonna order?" I ask. "Oh, I'm not sure yet." he goes back on his phone again. What a drag. Daichi better be home soon or this is going to be the most boring dinner ever. "I have to go to the bathroom." he says and then promptly walks away. That was sudden.

Okay, it's only been like, maybe two minutes but i'm getting really impatient here, not to mention anxious. What happened with Kuriko? How far away is her house? What do I want to order? When is kiyoshi gonna get out of the bathroom? How much longer do i have to sit here alone?

The waiter comes back again. "Are you ready to order now?" obviously not, i'm the only one here, sitting at a table for four. I mean.. I guess I could order for myself.. I am getting pretty hungry and it seems like no one's getting back anytime soon. "I'll order for myself. I'll have the Kake soba with extra soy sauce and a water please?" "Certainly. Is that all for now?" "Yes, please."

30 minutes pass by. What is he doing in there? Seriously, it's been like 30 minutes! I'm going to try and find him. "Here's your order, sir. Sorry for the long wait." He says and lays the soba on the table in front of me. But just as he grabs the water, another waiter bumps into him from behind and he spills it on me. "Oh! I'm so sorry. Let me get that for you!" he pulls a rag from the pocket of his apron and starts to wipe the table. He takes the menus off the table so he can wipe the rest of it down but the plastic lamination cuts my finger. I wince. "Oh! I'm so sorry." He takes my hand to get a closer look at the cut, which is bleeding now. What kind of lamination is this? It's already bleeding! "Here," He says and takes my hand. He starts leading me to a backroom and shuts the door behind him. I'm too shocked to resist. "What are you doing?" "I'm getting you a bandaid for your finger, silly." He says holding up a box of bandages. "I am very sure this is not allowed. "Oh, it's fine." "Couldn't you just bring me a bandaid?" "Well– I didn't think of that. If I let you out now, people would think I did something suspicious, because you came back out without a bandaid or anything. I feel like there's a major flaw in his logic but I can't really find it. "Um.. okay." he applies the bandage softly. But then kisses my knuckles afterwards. I pull my hand back. "Sorry, force of habit." He scratches his neck awkwardly. "This might be too forward of me to ask, and I'm sorry about that but.. Would you maybe like to go out sometime?" I just stared back at him, eyes widened. Did he seriously just ask me out? "I don't need an answer right away.. Um here's my phone number." he gives me a small slip of paper with his digits scrawled on it messily in blue pen. "I-um thanks.." then he leads me out of whatever room we were in and the table is all set back to normal. "Have a good night, sir!" he exclaims cheerfully and then walks away. I stare at my soba in utter disgust and shock. He did all that just to get me alone. On top of that, it looks like i peed myself because of the water he spilled. 

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