"perfect. absolutely perfect. ok let's bring up the setting." plutarch said. i could hear some buttons being pressed. i turned around but nothing was there. just a wall. i turned back around confused.

"little wind." plutarch ordered. more buttons were pressed and then the little fan in front of me turned on.

"ok maddie we're gonna start you down on one knee. and as you rise up you're gonna hold your flag in the air and deliver your line. and remember you've just stormed the outskirts of the capitol arm in arm with your brothers and sisters." plutarch explained.

"ok" i said. i got down on one knee.

"whenever you're ready." plutarch said. i sighed. then i slowly stood up

"people of panem we fight, we dare, we-" i stopped. this is so stupid.

"does she know the line?" plutarch asked

"i know it. i got it. sorry." i said while getting back down on one knee.

"ok let's do it again." plutarch said

"she's warming up." effie chimed in

"all right with energy go" plutarch said. i stood up again and raised my voice louder this time.

"people of panem, we fight! we dare to end this hunger for justice!" i said

"you've just been in battle! i'm sorry. excuse my outburst. you've just been in battle. let's try it again. whenever you're ready" plutarch said sternly. i tried again. after i was done it was silent. then a slow clap sounded in the room. haymitch walked in.

"and that my friends is how a revolution dies. hello maddie." haymitch said. i stared at him.

"this how you greet an old friend?" he asked

"maybe i don't recognize you sober." i retorted

"i guess it looks as bad as it feels." he said


we gathered at the table to watch the finished video. it looks so bad. i don't sound encouraging at all. i don't even feel or look like the mockingjay. after the video was over you could tell everyone was disappointed and tired. haymitch got up.

"madam president indulge me for a moment if you would. let's everybody think of one incident where maddie everdeen genuinely moved you. not where you were jealous of her hairstyle or her dress when it went up in flames or she made a halfway decent shot with an arrow. or not where peeta made you like her. no i'd like you all to think of one moment where she made you feel something real." haymitch explained.

"when she volunteered for her sister at the reaping." effie said

"excellent example." haymitch said. he walked up to the whiteboard and he wrote 'volunteer for sister'

"good. what else?" haymitch asked

"when she sang that song for little rue." effie answered again

"yeah who didn't get choked up at that. you know i like you better effie without all that makeup." haymitch said then turned back around to start writing again.

"well i like you better sober." effie said

"when she chose rue as an ally as well" beetee said

"now what do all these have in common?" haymitch asked

"no one told her what to do." gale said

"unscripted yes. so maybe we should just leave her alone." beetee said

"and wash her face. she's still a girl. you made her look 35." officer boggs said. i kinda smiled at that

"the opportunities for spontaneity are obviously lacking below ground. so what you're suggesting is we toss her into combat?" plutarch asked

"i can't sanction putting an untrained civilian in battle just for effect. this is not the capitol." coin said

"that is exactly what i'm suggesting. put her in the field." haymitch said

"no we can't protect her." coin said

"it has to come from her. that's what people respond to. you want a symbol for the revolution? she can not be coached into it. trust me i know." haymitch argued

"maybe there's someplace that's less dangerous." plutarch said

"district 8. they reported heavy bombing last week. there are no military targets left." beetee suggested

"we can't guarantee her safety." coin said.

"you'll never be able to guarantee my safety. i wanna go." i said.

"and if you're killed?" coin asked

"make sure you get it on camera." i answered

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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