Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17) Would you kill someone for me? - Faye and Carlo

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(Faye's pov)

Faye reluctantly turned to face Carlo who had an undeniable adoring and loving nature about the way he looked at her.

But there was also a faint taint of deadly protection to the corner of his eyes.

"Emilio told me one of his friends hurt you verbally today, Princesa, is it true?"

Faye didn't know what to do or say once Carlo had finnished his serious inquiry. If she said no she would of lied to Carlo and not just that she would of betrayed his trust in her, but if she said yes then who knew what Carlo would do in his power to the boy.

She wouldn't even put it past him to kill the boy.

"Faye tell me the truth," Carlo began to stroke Faye's arm what caused her hair, all along her body, to stand erect "Tell me the truth, Princesa."

"Carlo....." Faye began but chocked on her words as she thought things over to herself.

"What is it Faye? Has someone hurt you? Will someone need learn to not hurt you by any means necessary" came a suprisingly scary voice from Carlo what caused distress to arise in Faye.

For she was sure if she said yes the boy's fate would be sealed, for verbally hurting you, by Carlo.

Desperately Faye attempted to lie in order to soothe her friend. "No one's hurt me Carlo, I swear on my life that no one has hurt me."

Carlo wasn't convinced however and possibly nothing would prevent that so he bought Faye's face towards him.

As he growled at her.

"Liar! That boy hurt you, I know he did Faye and let me inform you no one hurts my princesa and gets away with it."

Carlo ripped his hand off Faye's shoulder, intensly as if trying to make a point.

"Carlo it was nothing!" Faye urgently tried to yell at Carlo in hopes of making him see sense.

But as soon as he turned around he grabbed Faye by the face.

"Your a pretty good liar, but I know the truth. That the boy hurt you and Ruby and believe me I won't let him get away without giving him a piece of my mind."

Suddenly, Carlo dropped Faye's face and began attempting to leave. But she called him back.

"Carlo tell me the truth would you kill if you believed someone had done me wrong? Would you kill for me?"

Faye didn't want Carlo to reply with yes she just didn't.

"I would do a lot of things for you."

Came Carlo's reply what really didn't answer her question at all so once more she called him out on it.

"Would you kill for me?"

Carlo turned aggressively around to face Faye grabbing her face once more as he did so.

"I would do a lot for you."

That hadn't answered Faye's question at all for he had just repeated himself. So Faye asked her question again in hopes that time he would offer up a different reply. "But would you kill someone for me?"

Carlo pushed his lips so close to Faye's they were basically touching and who was to say they weren't. Muttering into her soft plush lips, Carlo replied with "I don't know but if I did I would kill that person solely for you, my Princesa."

At that Carlo left and there was nothing Faye could do to prevent him from slipping away.

All she could do know was believe that the sweet, kind, soft and scared boy in Carlo would force him to see sense before he did something irrational like killing the boy.

The other thing Faye kind of had to force herself to do was go and hang out with her other friends in the forest like she had promised. For it would be rude to not meet with them once she had promised she would.

Besides it wasn't like Carlo would kill that boy.


(Carlo's pov)

Would you kill someone for me? Was the question what kept playing in Carlo's mind as he marched down each hallway of Salvaguardia aggressively searching for the boy.

Yes I would Princesa, but I will make you this promise right now I shall not no matter how much I am tempted to kill this boy. That was the promise Carlo had forged in his mind and all though he might not seem like the type he would never break a promise not to anyone.

So the answer to your question was yes and no. Although Carlo could easily kill someone for Faye he wasn't going to do anything of the sort not today at least.

Finally, after pacing down several corridors and hallways Carlo found the boy who he dragged away from his friends into a dark shadowy unknown place in a also desolate and unknown hallway.

Where Carlo with a powerful untamable forced shoved the boy right against the wall. To hold him and not let him go so he could intimidate the boy.

"If it isn't Unwanted going all monstrous on me, let me guess you just found out your girlfriend is having an affair with Emilio and you wanted to get all your anger out, on poor little me."

Without warning Carlo punched this boy hard in his nose with the intent to break it. What only caused the boy to glare at Carlo with a look what read: What the heck was that for.

"You're not innocent in the situation involving Faye, me and Emilio. Besides you had absolutely no right to make her or Ruby feel uncomfortable. Understood?"

The boy now had taken up wiggling in hopes of getting free from Carlo who was looming over him. Staring with him with eyes what showed in that moment he would kill if that boy drove him to it.

Understandly though there was mostly just a sign that Carlo wanted to intimidate this boy and punch him like a punching bag several of times.

The boy still wasn't that scared of Carlo so although he was trying to free himself from Carlo he met his eyes. "Both Orphan and Flubberworm deserved each secound of what I told them because in all honesty, Unwanted, I was speaking nothing but the truth we both know that."

Within seconds Carlo had got out his wand and pointed it aggressively at the boy.

"Do you wish to repeat that?!"

Now when the boy stared back into Carlo's eyes the intent to kill him had grown. To overtake his intent just to intimidate him.

"They deserved each part of it. For they disgust each person here at Salvaguardia because we all know what I said, every word was the truth. Flubberworm is hideous and Orphan is deranged and a slu...."

Carlo cut him off by shoving his wand into the boy's neck, not fully, just enough to prevent him from speaking. As he decided upon the fate of the boy. Once he landed upon it he allowed his eyes to burn red hot with wrath.

Then Carlo was shouting and casting a spell at the boy what was the most unforgivable curse of them all.

Avada Kedav...

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