Chapter Eighteen

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My phone buzzes on the table next to me, and I drop my eyes to its screen. There are about thirty notifications from the Soulmate Scanner app, in addition to roughly twenty emails. All from Hudson.

I swipe the notification away because I already know what it says. He hasn't stopped trying to contact me since yesterday afternoon. The phone vibrates on the table again. It's not the message I am waiting for.

Julian left before I was awake this morning and he has yet to call or text like he usually does. I had to wake up to an empty bed and a rushed note on the fridge, for the second time in one week.

Another message pops up from Soulmate Scanner, and I pick up my phone. I dial Mr. Cunnings' number and listen for the rings. It only rings once before a voice sounds out through the line. "Soulmate Scanner, this is Ms. Green. How may I help you?"

"Uh, hi, Ms. Green. This is Alexis Davis. How are you?"

"How can I help you, Mrs. Davis?"

"Right, um, I was wondering If I could talk to Mr. Cunnings for a quick moment. I have some questions about the app."

"I believe Mr. Cunnings has already answered your questions. I'm afraid we can't do all of the work for you," her tone is polite, but her words sting.

"No, that's not what I meant. I am actually calling as a customer, not for business." The line is quiet.

"Please hold."

I stand up and pace the room.

I don't know what exactly I'm going to say or ask, but I need more information. If he can clarify how he matched me with Hudson and not my husband, I might be able to make sense of it all. I might even be able to come up with a great pitch for this app.

"Mrs. Davis, Mr. Cunnings is on the line."

"Thank you," I reply to Ms. Green.

"Good morning, Mrs. Davis. I heard you have a few questions for me regarding Soulmate Scanner."

"Yes, I...well, I was wondering..."

"I don't have all day, Mrs. Davis."

"Yes, of course. I just..." it's now or never. "Why did you match me with Hudson?"

He half scoffs and half chuckles, "Excuse me?"

"Mr. Thomas. Why is he my soulmate?"

"Ah, do you not want him to be?"

"I'm married."

"Yes and how exactly is that an issue?"

I throw a hand on my hip, letting my fingers dig into my skin. "I matched with someone who is not my husband."

"Mrs. Davis, did the app tell you to divorce your husband?"


"Did it tell you to be with Mr. Thomas?"


He's quiet. Everything he said is logical, but something doesn't sit right with me. There has to be a reason. Hudson matching with me can't just be one big coincidence.

Interrupting my thoughts, "Then I don't see a problem."

"The app implies that the person I am supposed to be with is not the guy I married."

"Yes, it implies that, but it also depends on your view. Mrs. Davis, if I remember correctly, you assumed that Ms. Green and I were soulmates."

"I'm sorry about that," I wince at the memory.

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