Chapter Seven

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Thursday arrives before I am ready. Not only did I forget to bring a hair tie from home, but I do not have the strength to deal with Hudson today.

Yesterday was a long day full of tracking down information on Soulmate Scanner. In the search, I ran across a thousand stories about the app being the savior in the love life of every user. Each story varied in the level of sickening on the love spectrum, but every commenter mentioned being matched with their perfect person.

I wonder if anyone else matched with their nemesis.

I came home to an empty house. Julian went out with his buddies last night as part of his bi-weekly hangout, leaving the whole house to me. Usually, I take those days to stay in the office longer and catch up on work, but last night I just wanted to go home and destress. I left only an hour later than everyone else and slid into a bubble bath at home. It was soothing for about twenty minutes until I couldn't stand to sit still any longer. I ended up going on a cleaning spurt throughout the house until it was eleven o'clock and Julian sauntered through the door.

I brush the fallen strand of hair from my cheek, cursing myself for not remembering to tie it back this morning. I can't stand to work with my hair down. It gets in my face, and makes me sweat. I grab a fistful of my hair and tuck it into the back of my dress shirt, hoping it will keep the knotted mess somewhat out of my way.

Knock. Knock. Jen's head pokes through the door.

"Since when do you knock?"

"Since you received a new partner," She wiggles her eyebrows and winks.

I roll my eyes. "I've told you before, Hudson is-"

"The most charming man I ever met." a fake, high-pitched voice completes my sentence.

Hudson creeps through the doorway. His blonde hair looks recently trimmed, sculpted. He shoves his hands in his pants pockets as a smirk forms on his face.

"This is so exciting!" Jen claps her hands together.

Shit. Maybe telling her about my results on the Soulmate Scanner was a mistake.

Hudson raises an eyebrow at her.

"Well, I'll leave you to it." She winks at me when she says the word "partners."

She saunters past Hudson, closing the door behind her. Hudson points a thumb in her direction, "What was that about?"

I wave my hand dismissively, "don't even ask."

"Okay," He takes a seat in front of me, and I like the feeling of control it gives. If only I was one position higher, I would have the authority to fire his pretty face. "I have some information on Soulmate Scanner," he pulls a file out of his coat. It amazes me how much a man can stuff into their suit without it being noticeable. "Whenever you are done messing around, we can go over it."

I stand up, piling the lists I made in the crook of my elbow, my hand overtop of it. "Let's go." If I am going to be stuck with him for the next few hours, it is not going to be in my office. Today is not the day.

We make our way to the meeting room. Hudson follows closely behind. I slow my pace, putting Hudson beside me. My father always told me to "never have your enemy in a position to stab you in the back, but never have them one step ahead of you either."

Having Hudson beside me puts me at a little more ease, until we pass Jen. We both halt as we watch the show she unveils. She creates two halves of a heart with her fingers. Then, she positions her arms to pretend to aim a bow and arrow directly at us. After shooting her imaginary arrow, she regains the two halves and combines them, her fingers molding to shape a heart.

Soulmates are Overratedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن