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It was a stormy night as the wind and rain shook the trees violently. She tried her best, but it wasn't enough. She ran through the forest towards the glowing lights of the Eiffel Tower. But just as she reached the edge of the forest a LeafWing pinned her from behind, making her drop her egg. As the egg rolled away, it rolled into the roots of a large tree.

"And where do you think you're going Moonshine? You're the last female NightWing, your tribe is gone as well as all of your kinds eggs! So why not make this simple, let me snap your neck, or I can strangle you with vines." the LeafWing said.

"I would rather you strangle yourself, Holly!" Moonshine said as she threw off the dragon that was pinning her down.

As Holly regained herself from being thrown off, Moonshine slammed her against the nearest boulder. Holly in turn started fighting back by attempting to call fourth vines and bitting and scratching.

(I am really bad at fighting scenes and such so I time-skip to after the fight)

Moonshine stood over the limp body of Holly as she tried to catch her breath. Her left wing was broken for sure and she felt exhausted and in tons of pain. As she walked towards where her egg was she felt relieved that it was still safe, although it had a big crack on it. Is my dragonet alright? Moonshine thought as she picked up the fragile egg. It was still raining, but it calmed into a light drizzle as she made a run towards the city of Paris.

As she entered the city, the egg in her talons started to move and crack more. It's hatching. She thought to herself.

Moonshine found a dark alleyway next to the bakery she always went to every week to get a freshly baked loaf of bread.

As she laid down with her egg in between her front talons she started thinking of possible names for her dragonet.

If it's a girl, her name could be Moonwatcher or Novala. If it's a boy his name could be Fierceclaws or Darkstalker!

Moonshine pondered on the possible names as her dragonet started to poke its snout trough the eggshell. At first she thought she was seeing things until her dragonet fully hatched out of the egg.

It was a girl.

As Moonshine looked more closely at her dragonet and saw little speckles of white scales on her snout, as well as bluebell eyes that seemed to be filled with curiosity and excitement.

As Moonshine was adoring her newly hatched dragonet, an IceWing was on the roof behind her and did not see the baby dragon.

"You are new to this harsh world, and yet you look like the light in a very dark place. Your name is Novala, and I place this enchantment on you so that you will be protected from harm while growing up under the care of Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng. Once you are old enough to protect yourself, this enchantment will wear off." Moonshine whispered.

As soon as she finished saying those words, Novala was ingulfed in a dull light. After the dull light faded, a human baby was in between her talons. As she placed Novala in a baby basket and hid her next to the dumpster that was there, the IceWing that was watching from above attacked without warning and in one fell swoop, snapped Moonshine's neck before she could react.

As the iceWing took off leaving Moonsine's dead body behind, Novala started crying as she was in the form of a baby human. This caught the attention of Sabine, making her go out into the drizzling rain to see where the crying was coming from.

As she entered the alley, she saw the baby and rushed to pick her up, not noticing the dead adult dragon in the shadows. As Sabine took the baby back inside, Tom and her decided to adopt her and name her Marinette.

Author's note: This part took so long to freaking write and edit and then type. I hope you enjoyed the Prologue and I'm sorry if it's too long of a beginning, but I don't really care because it is late at night when I am posting this 😓.

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