Muzan x Reader

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3rd Person

The only thing lighting the room was a lamp, no windows, just a lamp, you didn't even know if it was day or night. All you knew is that you can't leave- or else he will be upset with you. As your painting a bird in one of your ink paintings, the door slides open causing you to flinch. "Ah, so you stayed put this time, seems all my effort payed off", Muzan said in an annoyed tone. Someone had made fun of how pale he was, no one ever says that to him- he will not die and he is going to make sure of it. Muzan walks over to you, your back facing him as he wraps his arms around your waist, "You are going to continue staying right here, correct?". You nod your head, "Yes, Muzan-Sama". You could feel his smirk in your shoulder as he lays his head on it, "Good". He looks over to your painting, admiring your work, "You really do work hard on those don't you". You nod as an answer and he continues to stroke your arms with his cold hands. 

You barely remember how you got in this situation. Your parents made an arranged marriage with a well respected man and next thing you know, he is the king of demons, sadistic, and psychotic. After months of being engaged you two finally got married and were living peaceful lives, until you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You came home after picking up some dinner since you didn't have enough time to make it, and you saw Muzan eating someone's arm. You remember how sick you felt from the sight and smell alone, the horrible smell of metal. Muzan obviously wanted to keep his reputation so he could roam around without anyone thinking he is strange or that he eats people. So, he locked you up in the infinity castle. Of course, you tried to escape many times, but you either got lost or Muzan- or an uppermoon, found you first. Muzan soon turned you into a demon saying, 'you're much to special to be human, we don't want you dying off now do we?'. You couldn't tell if he was mocking you or if he is just in some sick fantasy- But, whatever it is, he is not sane and is dangerous. To avoid being murdered or those close to you, you decided to stay in your priso- bedroom, until he came back.

"Remember dear, I'm always watching" 

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