Rengoku x Reader

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(I know his chapter is a bit longer than the others but ,forgive me, Rengoku is one of my favorite characters)

Rengoku's POV

The smell of miso hits my nose as I'm writing a letter to my master- my smile widens and I put my pen down and jump to my feet before speeding down the hallway till I get to the kitchen where I see Y/N and Senjuro cooking dinner. "Ah, the food smells delicious!", I yell as I walk over to Y/N pouring the miso into a small kobachi and handing it towards me, "You wanna be my taste tester?", they say while smiling at me. I try the small portion and I let out a satisfied hum ,"Delicious!".  I hear Senjuro chuckle behind me and I look over at him with a curious face, "What's with the laughter?". Senjuro smiles at me and Y/N, "You two are so cute together". I rub the back of my neck, mirroring his smile, "Thank you Senjuro". "Alright you two, let's go eat, can you two help me?", Y/N says while picking up a few bowls while Senjuro grabs the chopsticks and other food bowls. I grab the tea and I move it to the table as we all sit at the table. The only thin is that one person is missing, "Where is father? will he be joining us?". Senjuro and Y/N's faces falter a bit before Senjuro says, "He sleeping, he drank to much again". I'm a bit disappointed but I understand, "Oh alright, now let's eat before the food gets cold!".

After the great meal and putting everything away, me and Y/N head back to our shared room, the letter long ago forgotten. After me and Y/N change, we lay in our futon as I turn out the candle and wrap my arms around them, "Thank you for all the hard work you've been doing, helping Senjuro and living with my fathers drinking problem". I chuckle a bit at the end and they look up at me, "Oh shush, you are the one keeping us safe from harm, I should be thanking you".  chuckle once more before holding their head in my chest once more, "Before this turns into a whole play fight, let's get some rest".

"Goodnight, my match"

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