Zenitsu x Reader

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As I'm walking town to get some goods, I see a woman screaming at a man with strangely colored hair. "Please marry me!", the man screeches as the woman tries to get out of his grip. "No!", She yells back and I walk over. "Oi, what's going on?", I say to the two. The woman gets out of his grip and hides behind me, "This guy won't leave me alone!". I look at her, "I'll take care of it". She lets out a sigh in relief, "Thank you". The woman runs off and I look down at the boy who is trying to stand up but his legs are shaking, "Why would you do that! You took away the woman who was going to be my wife". I glare down at him, "Are you dumb, clearly she wasn't interested". The man finally stands up and points an accusing finger at me, "What would you know about woman, huh?!". I rub my temple before scoffing and turning to leave. He grabs onto my hat and stops moving once he can see my face. "What the hell!", I yell before snatching my hat back. I turn around after dusting off my hat to see him frozen in place and staring at me.

Zenitsu's POV 

So pretty. I repeat that phrase in my head over and over again. I slowly start to fantasize what dating would be. Cute picnic dates, cuddles, affection! Oh, the married life, coming home to warm food and hugs- "Oi, are you even listening?"

"Nope, I'm to busy admiring a goddess in front of me!"

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