Two Sides of the Same Coin

Start from the beginning

???: Maddy.

I feel a small hand on my shoulder jolting me in misery. It feels warm and comforting. I look up from my tears, seeing a little purple Amity.

Madelene: Amity?

She didn't say anything, the warmth I felt receding. I was confused but I did what I could only think of at that moment. I want to hug her, wanting to feel that warmth once more. But before I could wrap my arms around her, she sidestepped, making me stumble.

Amity: Why did you leave me?

My heart banged in its cage to hear her say that.

Madelene: N-no. I-I didn't-

Amity: Then why did you wait for so long? Why not return sooner?

Another purple Amity materializes. This one, chilled me to the bone. It's baby Amity, wailing, eyes red and wet.


My heart felt like it was in a vice, her voice carried so much yearning towards me. I tried to stand but my legs felt like jelly.

Madelene: I-It's not like that... I-I didn't-

???: How could you, Maddy?

I turn and see purple Luz, her eyes blank, black goo falling out.

Luz: You already found your siblings. Are you going to leave me too?

My heart panged, I would never leave her, I would never leave them.

Madelene: N-no, no! I-I wouldn't!

Madelene: AAAAAHHHH!

Madelene woke with a scream, standing up, disoriented, gripping her shirt as she wailed more.

Luz: Maddy!

Madelene clutches her chest as she breathes heavily, her hair obscuring my view of her expression.

I can't catch my breath, my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest at any moment. My vision is shaky, and I'm breaking out a cold sweat. I grabbed my head, grunting as words rang in my head.

Dad: You are to stay here.

Mom: Imagine the scandal. A Blight child, unable to use magic.

The words echoed in my head, they got louder and louder, no other thought could form in my head, I felt tears falling down my cheeks. My teeth gritted to try and help deal with the overwhelming voices.

I felt big hands on my shoulder, meeting the worried gaze of Eda. Her mouth is moving but her voice is muffled. I felt another hand on my left arm, Luz called with tears in her eyes, I saw King beneath, clutching the end of my shorts.

They're crowding me. Hurting me...

Amity: Why not return sooner?

Stop touching me... You're choking me....

Luz: You already found your siblings. Are you going to leave me too?

I can't breathe. I-


I scream as I run out of the room and out of the house, the voices loud and demanding.

They were there. Always there.

So I ran.

It's glaringly obvious Boscha will start her day weird. She can feel and see it. Boscha has three eyes for Titan's sake.

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